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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. My kind of customer
  2. As long as she didn't shove her arm halfway up a bovine's rectum first, I don't see the harm.
  3. Fucc yea. Although I rarely consume any meat that isn't poultry or seafood, BBQ sauce is the absolute best on any kind of grilled, slow-cooked pork. As for dessert nibblets, dark chocolate and sea salt together are like a happy married couple.
  4. Three-bean avocado salad. One of my creations (but not inventions) I'm most proud of.
  5. We shall brace ourselves once again for the onslaught of pro-Trump commenters with empty profiles all over Facebook and YouTube.
  6. It's not limited to this thread. It's elsewhere on WATMM too. Just less obvious.
  7. YouTube ads are starting to piss me off. I mean, actually getting under my skin. Almost daily now I'm seeing some right-wing propaganda ads by CRTV and our esteemed DJT. And I'm sure YouTube staff are gonna do fuck all about it. Feel like putting my fist thru the screen when these pop up.
  8. Budweiser? Weird, that's the most American beer in existence and it's one that I refuse to drink. Irony.
  9. I just ate some nearly identical to this. Only difference is that sausage was added to mine. And a good beer is the perfect beverage to wash it down with.
  10. As a warning to German viewers, you might find this either cringe-worthy or utterly stupid
  11. One thing Ye and Trump have in common; they are very good at being the center of attention. Makes them a useful diversion for the administration to execute their nefarious schemes outside of the public eye. My main concern right now is the voter registration purges I've been hearing about at the state level ahead of the midterms, less than a month away now. For example, voters affected in Georgia are predominantly black, and in North Dakota it's Native Americans (Lakota). And Texas and Indiana have been hit too, from what I hear. But again, this is at the state level, so I don't think DC is to blame directly. If anything this proves that "so much winning" by the GOP is made possible only by cheating and rigging the system. But this doesn't mean that it would be pointless to go out and vote - quite the opposite. AFAIK we have a chance at flipping the House. The Senate would be more difficult, but if we can then we won't have to worry about Turtleman being the majority leader anymore. That would be great.
  12. Good gameplay overall, but even after having completed it I'm still not quite satisfied with the choice of main enemy combatants. If it were up to me to write the story I would've changed them to a well-armed, drone-equipped private army linked to a major oil company with government ties, rather than a Christian radical hobo militia fighting for their Duck Dynasty Jesus. The bad guys in the original 2004 Far Cry were mercs, after all - would've been cool for Ubisoft to go back to the game's roots in that manner. I actually like the choice of enemy, even though it gives me a visceral response. The setting was a nice change of pace, too. You can just walk around and enjoy looking at the landscape if you want. I just like being stealthy and liberating outposts, so the story isn't too important to me. The best thing about FC3 was that you could reset all of the outposts and redo all of them. Out of curiosity have you tried the Far Cry Arcade maps? It's a mixed bag overall, but some of the maps are very well done and are pretty damn fun. There were times I'd fire up FC5 just to browse Arcade maps to play. Thought about making my own map too.
  13. I hear the same kinda shit is going down in TX & ND. GOP bastards already trying to cheat the midterms.
  14. Hmm...where have I seen that before...
  15. Good gameplay overall, but even after having completed it I'm still not quite satisfied with the choice of main enemy combatants. If it were up to me to write the story I would've changed them to a well-armed, drone-equipped private army linked to a major oil company with government ties, rather than a Christian radical hobo militia fighting for their Duck Dynasty Jesus. The bad guys in the original 2004 Far Cry were mercs, after all - would've been cool for Ubisoft to go back to the game's roots in that manner.
  16. I feel ya. He knows how to rile up a crowd of inbred backwater tribals. Such are the rallies of the Turd Reich. Question is, is it still possible to abort it?
  17. random number generators be fuckin up mah game
  18. I'm at that age now where prune juice is helpful
  19. I'd like to know how they managed to shape it into a cross and maintain that posture in the first place
  20. Well, if there's any good news to be had in this malaise, seems like the transition from Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day is becoming more official. More of us are acknowledging what an asshole Columbus was. Maybe it's foolish for me to clutch onto naive optimism in these times, but any inkling of hope I have left for this country's direction right now lies with the midterms. Assuming we have safeguards against tampering by the GOP and accomplices.
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