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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Thx mang. Gonna empty the trash again in the morning, see if that'll mitigate their population. They breed like jackrabbits, but worth a shot.
  2. Fruit fly infestation in my condo/apartment for the past month. Little bastards. I'm afraid I can't take Ellen Ripley's advice on this matter either, for obvious reasons.
  3. And that means we might as well bend over and let them have their way? I beg to differ.
  4. 100% accurate. I was talking with a bunch of Americans last week and they’re all stoked about the tariffs protecting America. They don’t care that cars are going to cost more and be worse, for example.They still think that America is the only country that matters, and trying to give them examples like the British empire just flies over their heads. Please do us all a favour and vote this ass clown out of office mmmkay? Trust me, the rest of us are pissed/embarrassed and excited to vote these fuckers into oblivion. Amen. Midterms are just around the corner too, which give us an opportunity to cripple the MAGA machine. I just hope voter apathy won't be a problem like it was in 2016 - one of the reasons we ended up here in the first place.
  5. Wouldn't be as lucrative to restrict T-shirt sizes tho. Aye.
  6. good. that asshole. she should go back up to alaska and stay there. disinviting her is the least he could do. No. We don't want her back.
  7. Just received notification that my aute- is shipped. I mean chre.
  8. I would actually pay to see this, even though I'm not necessarily a Star Wars fan. In fact, it would likely be better than every Star Wars film to have been released in the past year. And also because it's Gonk.
  9. Whew. I'm glad I placed my order when I did.
  10. Just got done watching that 48 min Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay vid. It's like GTA V and Deus Ex (Eidos Montreal) mated and this is their child. Shit though. As awesome as it looks I don't know if my machine can keep up.
  11. I'm ready for any set that's not the shitty 5-year-old Sony MDR-ZX100s I have now that have the synthetic leather skin constantly peeling off the foam padding. I don't do earbuds tho.
  12. He's not so much Vlad's tovarishch, as he is his cyka.
  13. Now that I think about it he looks like an Ellen Degeneres after having his/her head clamped in a vise for 48 hrs That or Dr. Doom from Who Framed Roger Rabbit
  14. Jellied eels? Those are also in Prey. No coincidence I'm sure, considering both games are by the same developer. You're right - I didn't make the connection. That new Prey DLC is next on my list I think. Mooncrash is pretty good. Probably the first time I've seen the "roguelike" concept put into practice by a AAA developer. The maps are a constant, but every sim run has different placement of enemies, weapons, and items.
  15. Much appreciated as always Ignatius. Also, Samuel L is on point.
  16. Jellied eels? Those are also in Prey. No coincidence I'm sure, considering both games are by the same developer.
  17. Retiring apparently. I swear he looks like some backwoods neo-Nazi antagonist straight out of a late 90s drama film (which he actually could be, for all we know). But still, good riddance. At least these protests in the UK are providing some comic relief in this era of the Donnie. Also heard that the orange baby blimp is following him everywhere he goes on his travels. To our brothers and sisters across the pond, keep it up.
  18. Maybe I'm a little late to the party, but Ms. Coleman was absolute fucking fire in this bit. She put that pompous, sorry-ass excuse for a chairman in his place.
  19. bitcc is a fucc 魔女 pulls entitlement card 4,927,105,368 outbound lawsuits filed
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