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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I like to drink on occasion, but never did manage an addiction, unlike someone who carries half my DNA. But I got randomly drug-tested at work a couple of days ago, so until I find work in the private sector moto is a no-no. Luckily it's been years since I've had it in my system, in light of the drug test.
  2. I was just in the middle of watching a vid on Earth's climate change potentially forcing us into a hothouse state in the near future. But then about halfway thru, a snippet from last year of Trump making his announcement to withdraw the US from the Paris climate accord got interrupted by a fucking Grammarly ad. It's one of those rare moments when YouTube ad interruptions are a blessing in disguise. I can't make this shit up.
  3. But he panched an innocent Irish wolfhound minding its own business and traumatized the poor children who bore witness. He can eat a dick.
  4. From another game well ahead of its time
  5. I hope a giant hawk swoops down from behind and snatches up his batshit GF one of these days
  6. Welp, it was nice while it lasted. (In regard to the latest events I mean, not the comments)
  7. Tlingit and Tsimshian artwork from southeast Alaska in particular I've always found pretty dope
  8. It's in Florida. That's all you need to know.
  9. Oh, yeah. I vaguely remember that bit now that you mention it. From t1a1 I distinctly get similar vibes from Scorn's album Stealth. Something about the slow, heavy strides between snare hits. Recks On on the other hand, I don't see any connection with Scorn. In fact, I remember Sean claiming that Recks On was intended as a nod to '80s hip hop - something that Scorn isn't AFAIK. But yeah. Hopefully we can close the book on this comparison now and get the thread moving again.
  10. I got a list of self-deleted posts too long to cover. Of course I get careless from time to time and post something half-assed, but then again a week later who will even remember?
  11. Because that wasn't her occupation, even at the time of the affair. She was an adult film actress. Nightmare material
  12. I think you will be wrong. The last time somebody made that comparison sean was like 'lol no you fool eat a dick' - direct quote May I see the original source? For verification sake.
  13. It didn't occur to me until today that SHODAN from System Shock was actually created to be a more sinister, female version of Max Headroom. And I also just realized that Back to the Future II contains reference to Max Headroom as well, in the Cafe '80s scene. Well, if the real world timeline would have matched that of what Robert Zemeckis had envisioned back in 1989 what the world would've looked like three years ago.
  14. move out But then the crazy couple wins. Audio, I mean this sincerely. Don't let these people walk all over you and your lady. Stand up for yourself, even if that means being a dick. Don't let them take advantage of you.
  15. Shit. All I can say is you need to let her know who's in charge of the residence. Hell, I wouldn't have even allowed her in in the first place. I wish it could be as easy as just telling her GTFO, but I don't know if there is any easy way to get rid of her. (not suggesting the violent option of course)
  16. I'm fairly certain that t1a1 (NTS opening track) is homage to Scorn. But I could be wrong.
  17. Oh...uh...hi, dad Enjoy our gopnik Mak & cheese! Now available in 9x18mm pasta!
  18. Speaking of siphoning, anyone hear about those $52,701 curtains that Nikki Haley "bought" for her luxury apartment in New York with our taxpayer money?
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