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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. "And you stand in front of them. Always. And when you get that buildup in your gut, you just go ahead and let loose...and you step back towards them when you do it..."
  2. Facebook had the nerve to put fuckin Donald J Trump as one of the featured pages on my feed, immediately after I read stories regarding the FCC vote on Net Neutrality just three days away. Is this a coincidence?? So I reported DJT to Facebook for being fake news. Really. (Sorry, this probably belongs in the "Now That Shit Freak's President..." thread.)
  3. They're probably designed to carry extra soju in case Jong-Un is thristy
  4. The cleft inner top part of my ear right behind my temple smells like cheese whenever I scratch it
  5. I think I left off at 65 percent completion, but haven't touched in over 2 years. And yes, Trevor is a psycho menace, yet you can't help but love him. Maybe it's because he's absolutely fearless and gives zero fucks. As for Michael's family, they're all like one big bag of regret to him lol I picked Fallout 4 back up recently, and it's time to go mod shopping again.
  6. What do Trump's cult of Los Ganados have to say about that? Huh? Anyway, I still think it's too early to celebrate, but regardless we're on the right track.
  7. I'm starting to think I liked EW more than both its predecessor and XCOM 2. Especially War of the Chosen - they stack the odds so heavily against the player it kills the fun.
  8. i feel like maybe you would enjoy the shadowrun games? Already beat Shadowrun Returns on Android. I started Dragonfall right after but let it gather dust for the last three weeks or so. Also got SR: Hong Kong for PC but haven't started it yet. Heard it's good though. The new Shadowruns kinda feel like Elder Scrolls, Deus Ex, the old Fallouts, and the new XCOMs rolled together. lol. Took me a minute.
  9. Yep. Already beat it nearly a month ago, including all of the Überkommander missions. Although I haven't played the Fergus timeline yet. I'm guessing you get the Laserkraftwerk instead of the Dieselkraftwerk if you do.
  10. I dunno what the hell to play anymore. Not really into games that are too linear, but at the same time I'm not sure about jumping back into the open world Bethesda rabbit hole either. I've been thinking about Doom mod ideas for a while now, but never modded before.
  11. Not all of them support King Orang though. Just his cult of poo-slinging degenerates that occupy one-third of the US demographic. Too bad I'm surrounded by them though.
  12. I'm sure that's his tail, in between his legs for the same reason as dogs
  13. Next year will hold much of the same political BS we've had to cope with for the last ten months. But there is some cause for hope come early next November. I just hope to have a different job by April.
  14. Having him unpresidented wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.
  15. Apparently Time magazine just sold out to the Koch brothers. Granted I haven't read Time in ages, but this trend is disturbing to say the least. If net neutrality gets killed next, then all these rich assholes will have their boots to our throats. I wanna believe we can still save it, but many people are already giving up. This is making me sick.
  16. Weird. This happens to be the date Bioshock Infinite was released.
  17. I brought cabbage rolls I made into work today. But right at the end of the shift, I dropped the entire batch on the floor upon taking it out of the fridge and shattered my brand new casserole dish that I bought only four days ago. Good thing most of the rolls managed to stay on the aluminum foil. But when I buy a replacement dish I'll make damn sure it's some kind of metal, and not ceramic or glass.
  18. Congrats. I tried the online dating thing very briefly three months ago and had enough after about two weeks. I see no reason to reactivate my account either.
  19. Maybe Watson will be in charge of the world one day, and govern all with knowledge, reason, and efficiency. Some humans in positions of power are just too immature to rule over the masses, of which there are at least an obvious two. But then again, no grandiose idea comes without risk when executed.
  20. Yes, Prdctvsm too. You guys both own this thraed
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