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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Can we send both their fat crappy hairdo asses in orbit instead?
  2. A female jogger nicknamed the "Mad Pooper" has been taking a dump in front of a family's house for the past few weeks in Colorado Springs: http://deadspin.com/a-jogger-dubbed-the-mad-pooper-is-terrorizing-colorad-1818521863 I'm not making this shit up (literally)
  3. Yep, I heard about that. The established deadline to get it passed is the 30th of this month if I'm not mistaken. Why are the GOP so hell-bent on pushing this through? Just because it has Obama's name on it? Never mind all the people who might lose their health coverage because of these turds.
  4. Homemade curry over jasmine rice. Chopped up potatoes and carrots first and boiled them for about half an hour. Then chopped up and sauteed yellow onion and chicken sausage and threw everything together at the end. I was kinda pissed that the store didn't carry any Golden Curry packages, so I opted for a jar of mild "Indian" curry instead, which still came out acceptably.
  5. Still keep losing all of my saves in XCOM 2: WotC every time I exit to the desktop. Makes the campaign basically unplayable. Firaxis need to hurry up and patch this shit. But I did pick up Shadowrun Returns for Android. Pretty cool so far. It's like one of the original Fallout games in a hybrid cyberpunk/fantasy setting, but with movement and cover interface nearly identical to the new XCOMs. I think the original Shadowrun came out in 1994 for SNES but I've never actually played it. EDIT: Finally fixed the problem above. My antivirus was blocking the application that creates the saves, so I switched it to Allow. Ended up having to uninstall and reinstall the game first though before I started getting the actual message.
  6. Neo-Nazi dipshit harassing people on bus gets a taste of vigilante justice: https://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanhatesthis/antifascists-used-twitter-to-find-a-neo-nazi-walking-around?utm_term=.cxlDe9jary#.wwDxKrA6zd Unfortunately it appears the YT clip already got taken down. But still...proud of Seattle today.
  7. At least we single dudes can get away with it without consequence. The fact that the FDA would allow Shrek wank in food products is disheartening.
  8. Well at least you got as far as an actual date. I ended up in a convo with one for a week that ended up going nowhere in the end. But I guess unless you're a young, athletic CEO or Hollywood actor, overall success rate is assumed to be fifteen percent at best.
  9. Congrats. Hope all goes well. From my recent experience I don't recommend the online route. But then again could just be me.
  10. Still blini binging...but I tried it with peanut butter and strawberry jam for the first time. And it is gooooood
  11. Why do you blame Democrats for refusing to support the medicade-for-all bill? It's a giant waste of time and just more pandering bullshit At this moment I'm looking for pragmatic reasonable politicians, I'm sick of the loons, ideologues and corrupt. See below Seriously, I don't see how any rational being can be against affordable, single-payer health insurance...unless you're a whore to the pharma industry - THAT'S who the corrupt ones are.
  12. I still mildly regret trying to be too formal when I shook hands and introduced myself right after the Portland show two years ago.
  13. I've yet to reach that phase. But I won't rule out that human decency is still abundant. Maybe I'm just oxytocin deficient.
  14. Just because the GOP are full of ass bags doesn't mean some of the Dems aren't slimy. I'm frankly quite pissed that some of them refuse to get on board with the healthcare-for-all bill. They might as well switch sides.
  15. The owner is probably affiliated with the alt-right tho. Pepe has pretty much become their mascot.
  16. If this were the Ae subforum, the end of Hub and the end of Squeller both in this EDIT: Also This makes me think of the latest Machine Drum for some reason (same author as above)
  17. I'm resuming my XCOM 2: War of the Chosen (the new expansion) and got as far as the escort mission for the Reaper and Skirmisher peace negotiation, where you have to wipe out the new Lost zombies on the way. But after saving and exiting out of the game and then launching it again, I found out that all of my saves disappeared. WTF. According to the Steam forums it's a permissions issue with Windows firewall. I'll try to troubleshoot it more later.
  18. Congrats on 5 years of sobriety. I still have the occasional hooch, but never could get addicted.
  19. Still never saw the new GitS, but from what I've heard on here it's probably for the best. Doesn't seem to be a whole lot going on in that latest BR2049 trailer. But that's probably intentional, so as not to reveal major spoilers. If I go see this in the theater, then any beverages are out of the question.
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