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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I just watched an interview a few minutes ago between Abby and this professor dude who claims that capitalism is on its way to inevitable collapse. Whether the same trend applies to democracy is debatable. Regardless, I just want a government I don't have to feel ashamed of.
  2. As an Alaskan I love smoked salmon, but infusing it in vodka is just fucking wrong.
  3. And it was told in prophecy that a metal dragon nymph from six centuries forth would descend from an unknown void and attempt to reign terror upon the peaceful village. But it was with great fortune that Squire Gareth happened to be in its vicinity at the time, and smote the beast with great ease with his trusty halberd.
  4. Is it true that his approval rating is 33 percent now? If so that's pretty pathetic, only about six months into office.
  5. I know what it's like going thru nasty back pain. In early 2015 (I think) my lower back hurt so bad one time I could barely walk. Had to call in sick from work. Hang in there.
  6. This administration is rife with high school drama bullshit. I'm just glad I didn't vote for the orange poop stain.
  7. Wolfenstein II is looking even more awesome as more teaser trailers come out. Here's a 3-part walkthrough series from what appears to cover the first couple of chapters. (Gonna spoiler this tho because...well, spoilers) The Roswell setting is so dope. It's almost like they're putting a Deus Ex twist on it.
  8. At least he's making enemies at a faster rate than he's making friends, both internationally and domestically. All this bullying at the highest level will eventually come back to bite him in the ass.
  9. Agreed, it's awesome. I've debated whether to pick it back up myself, but it's soooo time-consuming. I just don't have the time and energy I used to for deep open-world games like this anymore. And this mega mod The Frontier is in the works, though I don't believe its exact release date is announced yet
  10. I remember Rody talking shit about Obama last year, literally saying "you can go to hell." But he and Trump seem to be getting along fine. Dictators roll with dictators I guess
  11. I am indeed proud of Sen. Murkowski right now. Not because of her party, but because of her own convictions.
  12. Maybe the Mooch is who we need, somebody who will stir up a buncha shit within the administration and destabilize it even more. Kinda like someone sneaking a ferret into some circus clown's trousers. Mooch being the ferret, of course.
  13. We'll see how long the Mooch lasts. lol I dunno why Trump would appoint him in the first place. Also read that top generals are defying Trump's trans ban in the military, at least unless Gen. Mattis gives the OK.
  14. All I get is a 404, which is a little suspicious. But if you're still getting it, it must be a regional block.
  15. The crowd behind him are like mindless zombies. Lying, manipulative, narcissistic cunt. Something needs to be done about him.
  16. I think the right way to cut spending would be to close all bases overseas, and focus strictly on a self-defense role, like Japan. No more dropping-bombs-on-civilians-in-the-Middle-East bullshit. Of course that idea would be considered outrageous be the powers that be, but then again I question their judgment more and more these days.
  17. Reminds me of something else that was Big Mac flavored; Doritos X-13D from over a decade ago.
  18. It's sort of the same way up here in AK. While a red state, I've actually seen about the same amount of Trump bumper stickers as I have Bernie ones, lol But it seems like most people here don't openly project their political stances in public. Now it's facing backlash, as a bunch of parents are now starting to pull their boys out of BSA: http://reverepress.com/news/parents-pulling-sons-boy-scouts-trump-speech/ (disregard clickbait on the right)
  19. I heard how it went down, but I can't bring myself to willingly watch or listen to any of his speeches. Hearing is voice is like listening to a dog vomit on the floor and lick it back up.
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