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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. In German they literally are called sea doggos
  2. Super Size Me Shadow Company (actually features a µ-Ziq track) Iraq For Sale Meant to see Do Not Resist late last year, but never got around to it.
  3. Oh yeah, I saw a slightly different version of that vid. Hokuto No Ken reference ftw
  4. so far Prey is AWESOME. Few things. It's difficult as fuck in some parts, I'm on nightmare setting and you basically die in one shot if you're not playing smart. Have to utilize surroundings (exploding cannisters, turrets etc) as much as possible. Graphics, why does it kind of look like Bioshock Infinite to me? Any of the development team the same? Or am I out to lunch there? I just finished Deus Ex MD and DOOM2016, so enjoying the relatively less linear playstyle of this. I never played system shock, but this is def nothing like Prey so I'm really surprised they branded it a Prey game. Any idea why? I play a ton of shooters, and so far this is a solid 9/10 for me. I understand there was a Prey from 2006, but I've never actually played that one. All I'm certain of is that the System Shock influence is plain as day, if you've ever played the first or second game. Prey 2017 was developed by Arkane Studios; the same devs behind Dishonored. Not sure if any former members from Irrational Games transferred over to Arkane or not. Irrational were also the devs for System Shock 2 back in the late 90s. And you probably noticed that "Looking Glass" video playback thing in the game. As it so happens, the team behind System Shock 1 (from 1994) were known as Through The Looking Glass. Pretty sure that nod was a dead giveaway. But yeah, as a fan of System Shock I feel at home with the new Prey. Weapons feel kind of limited, but in the same respect maybe you don't actually need a lot of weapons. I get crazy OCD when it comes to the Recyclers and Fabricators tho...lol
  5. I'm currently on my second Prey '17 playthrough as well. Still feels like a System Shock game, which ain't a bad thing. Only it's more open world station, and you can pick up a bunch of side quests. Just remember that that toy crossbow isn't completely useless.
  6. Jay-Z might have something to say... lol that sounds like Tr- ..oh wait, are we talking about synth gear? Like genuine Japanese ramen? Now you're talking. But more importantly, be safe.
  7. I'm sorry to hear that Madam C :( I hope that one day you'll be happier in life, even if it requires going expat. But I understand your mum and foster dad need you close by.
  8. Alaska is nice if you enjoy the outdoors. Winters are long though with limited daylight. But it's still part of a country of which Trump is the current leader... So in that case maybe somewhere with a similar climate that hasn't already been mentioned - like Switzerland, or one of the countries in Scandinavia.
  9. Just discovered this today Seems like one big tribute to H.R. Giger. Might check out their Kickstarter page, see if I can throw in.
  10. I was gonna say...is this about that Spielberg film from 2001? That apparently Kubrick worked on originally but died before it could be completed? I think Spielberg has a habit of over-sentimentalizing every sci-fi piece he attempts, but the Amphibicopters were cool.
  11. Wouldn't ocean water require desalination though to render it drinkable? Not to mention extra filtration?
  12. At least on a news outlet that gets streamed on military bases and retirement homes by default. I saw a thing online years ago about Mario being some kind of Stalinist conspiracy.
  13. Not really fair to the workers of Mar-a-Lago though. I mean, it's not like they had a choice when that orange butt nugget arranged all those "special visits" over the last several months.
  14. So Kompromat is blackmail basically. But hasn't that already been done with the golden shower shit?
  15. Made breakfast blini this morning. Basically a pancake omelette. For filling I diced up some chicken sausage and sauteed with potatoes o'brien and egg. Then applied a dab of sour cream, shredded Mex queso, and a little Sriracha.
  16. This is both an FWP and FWS. FWP: Tried heating up tortilla chips in the oven but baked them too long. They came out browner than I planned, but at least they didn't get charred outright. FWS: Made some bomb-ass guac to dip them in.
  17. Having worked on a military base for over a decade, I've been keeping an eye on the FPCON level every time NK makes the headlines. It's been on Bravo since early 2015. But if it suddenly bumps up to Charlie or higher, we know shit's about to get real. Kim Jong-Un and Trump are like two kids getting ready to brawl in the center of the school playground. But I'll be damned if the rest of us should get yanked into this spat.
  18. HLD is pretty dope. Two things I'd recommend; 1: Start in the Eastern Region, then work your way counter-clockwise for the rest of the game after defeating the first boss. And 2: Use a controller (if on PC).
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