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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. When a bunch of people get killed in the world every day, should we still give a shit about the Kardashians?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. triachus


      how can reality tv shows be real if your eyes aren't real

    3. Friendly Foil
    4. ambermonk


      Ugh, what was I thinking. At least this isn't a thread.

  2. Apparently coconut oil is supposed to help for eczema too. I've been having this itch on the middle of my back for the past month or so myself. I have no idea if it's an allergic reaction or what.
  3. Gonna be broke for another week, after today. Had to cough up big chunks of money this month to cover my dental bills and renew my supply of soft contact lenses, on top of having been overly generous with holiday shopping last month. Being broke while working full time = bullshit
  4. I've done it. Lots of times haha. Maybe it was a success to him though, maybe he likes tasting disappointment. Wouldn't be life without tasting disappointment from time to time, amirite Now I want a burrito
  5. It's not uncommon for the FWP and FWA/S threads to get confused in the posting process.
  6. My visit to the dentist this morning went well. My mouth is still numb on the right side, but the dentist kept complimenting me on how calm I was while he put fillings in my teeth. Also I had to pay only half of what I paid my last visit, thanks to my new insurance. Plus the dental assistant chick was cute and friendly.
  7. Finally put down Skyrim after nearly two months and picked up Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon again. Runs even better on my new laptop than it did on my last desktop. Damn near everything about Blood Dragon is still awesome. After I first played it, I was like "to hell with every other Far Cry game." Besides, I got tired of all the enemy mages in Skyrim. They think they're all special cos they're like "oooh luk at mi pimp magic skillz - I got 'em and you don't haha suk it." The best answer is a sword to the throat. Fuck mages and their holier-than-thou egos.
  8. avian head oscillation

  9. Sounds like a normal male behaviour. I reckon it's not so much the drinking and gaming itself as it is not giving her enough attention that's upset her, but that's just a guess. Maybe get her flowers or chocolates or something. My latest fwip: Had a close call in my vehicle with a doge on the highway, less than an hour ago. The strange part is it was just standing right in the center of the road, as if it were in some sort of trance. It's just lucky I didn't hit it, but it was still surreal.
  10. Sneak into his bedroom at night while he's asleep, set off fireworks, and run like hell
  11. [youtubehd]TqgZFiUrVDY[/youtubehd]
    1. Verdant Hickies

      Verdant Hickies

      *cries imaginary tears because real ones are a waste of water I can't afford* (this symbolizes my sadness about being too poor for these) In other words: sick!

    2. ambermonk


      I'm pretty much broke myself. Just thought this was cool news.

  12. I wanna play Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon again. I think it's both the best and the most underrated in the series, though I haven't played the fourth one. Just something comforting about that intentionally cheesy '80s vibe and dry humor
  13. Yeah I hate peer pressure to get hitched. Bottom line is you gotta do what's right for you. It got to the point where I stopped mentioning the prospect altogether because I kept getting hounded about it.
  14. ^yarp. Latest FWP - after parking one of our vehicles at work in our garage before closing, I hit my right knee on a jury-rigged toggle switch for turning the heater on and tore a hole in my jeans, drawing blood in the process. Turns out the last employee to drive it moved the seat too far forward. I only bought the jeans about a month ago and it was the first rip.
  15. Some cool stuff - I should visit this thread more often. Yek, I find your sketches especially dope.
  16. I've had umeshu before but not with spice. Interesting. I cooked up bulgogi burgers for the first time at work today for lunch and shared with my coworkers. It was a hit.
  17. [youtubehd]V8fwWZD159k[/youtubehd] At first I thought this artist was pop, but now I'm thinking it's just mimicry. This trac reminds me of Drukqs-era Aphex.
  18. I hate when I'm at a supermarket and someone takes 5+ minutes standing in front of something I want. It's usually a middle-aged woman doing it. This! Where's our Jason Asato?
  19. Earplugs Or have them sleep on their stomach. Or in a separate room. If it's depriving you of sleep to the point where it's adversely affecting your health, then yes.
  20. [youtubehd]LdLvp630plc[/youtubehd] It's like vampire lords playing with magic bunnies
  21. jazz? [youtubehd]KQkyw9KdDWI[/youtubehd]
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