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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. People in my state drive like fucking idiots. That's it.
  2. Some unknown caller called me this morning with a local area code. Their response was something like "hello, aabbjeebujah...hello". Couldn't tell if they were drunk or what, but I hung up after a few seconds. Should've ignored it.
  3. Decided to run Fallout 3 thru the FWE and Fellout mods. Fallout Wanderer's Edition makes combat more realistic with an added array of new guns and gear, plus sprinting ability, gradual Stimpack healing, and other gameplay changes. Fellout gets rid of the snot-green sky and replaces it with a more lush, earthy blue. Starting to feel a little more like a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game now - a welcome change from playing Vanilla FO3 all this time.
  4. Fallout 3. It's been almost six years now since its release if I'm not mistaken. Every time I beat it and think I'll never play it again, I end up re-installing it and starting a new playthrough again a few months later anyway. Well played, Bethesda.
  5. Dead Alive. I think it was Peter Jackson's first film, and a truly fucked up one at that. Dunno/10
  6. I'm scared I'm gonna become Mark Gormley in 25 years. Fuck.
  7. Just yielded a successful batch of smoked sockeye salmon fillets - my first ever attempt at smoking food of any kind.
  8. Jedi Outcast was the shit back then. Still is, lightsaber wise. Yeah LucasArts nailed the Lightsaber battle aspect, which continues to impress even to this day. And you're forced to go Lightsaber against Dark Jedi 'cos they'll just deflect any blaster shots or projectiles right back. The boss fights are pathetically easy if you know the shortcut strategies. Another beef I had with DX:HR is when you use the CASIE aug and the results in conversation choices are inconsistent when verbally confronting certain NPCs. Otherwise it's a solid game overall, and contains homage to the original DX.
  9. I realize if it's not a Dark Souls, Dishonored, or PS4 game, nobody gives a shit, but I'm posting anyway. Just finished Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast last night and think I'll give Jedi Academy a go today. They're games from over a decade ago, and I don't even consider myself a Star Wars fan, but I'm playing them anyway out of "unfinished business". This will keep me occupied whilst doing laundry and first-time salmon-smoking today.
  10. (I do not take credit for this shot btw)
  11. Yeah, that's what I like about stealth-emphasis games like Dishonoured and Deus Ex - if the bad guys find you, you at least have a chance to fight back, even if it's messy. Syrosly. I'm not even gonna touch the Aphex subforum until I've had a listen.
  12. I fuckin' hate mandatory stealth missions in video games - as in, if the bad guys find you, you fail the mission. Fuck that shit. It's not even fun. You don't even have the chance to fight back. The grounds for failure in game-play should be if you lose a fight with the enemy, not if they merely detect you or activate an alarm. I don't have the patience for this hide-and-seek bullshit anymore. Sorry, fedora moment.
  13. I grilled some bulgogi for lunch at work that my co-workers nearly orgasmed from. I may be shit at socializing, but at least I can dominate at the grill.
  14. Army of Darkness. Sequel to Evil Dead 2. Now I know the source of the DooM Chainsaw revving-up sample. Groovy/10
  15. cautious optimism

  16. That's how I've felt about Bioshock Infinite. The critics just oo'ed and aww'ed over it, but to me the gameplay was mediocre at best, despite the pristine graphix. It just doesn't have the replay value of several games that came before it. As far as the Borderlands series, I pre-ordered BL: The Pre-Sequel about a week ago. It'll get released around the same time I get my next laptop. I was skeptical of the BL series at first, as it didn't make a whole lot of sense to me plot-wise, but then soon realized how addictive it became. Plus it doesn't take itself too seriously to begin with.
  17. UFO: Enemy Unknown thru Open XCOM. Too many times I've played it and left it unfinished, granted I've beaten it three times in my lifetime. Currently in June of 1999, having already taken out three alien bases within one week. As a result, I was able to rake in over $18M by selling off surplus alien artefacts, having started the month with less than one mil. Talk about rags to riches. But now some smartass Ethereals decided it was a good idea to invade the capitol of the Philippines. Time to give those telepathic hoodlums a piece of my mind. EDIT: I'm sick of the god damn aliens ambushing my soldiers the very moment they step out of the Skyranger. Fuck this. Oh well. Not like anyone's paying attention to this anyway.
  18. Just wish I could fast-forward to October. Also, just feel ashamed of myself for some reason. I don't intentionally let people down, but sometimes I make mistakes and it happens anyway. Fuck it. I'm about to watch a stupid B-movie.
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