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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Congrats dude. Sounds like you've earned it. I found an unusual strand of hair protruding from my right eyebrow a little while ago. I thought it might've been some stray hair until I started pulling on it. It was just an unusually long eyebrow hair. Anyway, I managed to pluck that fucker and dispose of it.
  2. Whoa...speaking of Fallout-style games, looks like Wasteland 2 was just released yesterday on Steam - the sequel to the granddaddy of post-apocalypse games from 1988. One of the reviews said something like "it's what Fallout 3 would've been like if it didn't take the first-person route." But can my underpowered laptop run it? Damn, the more I see these cool new games, the more I regret selling my desktop PC last May. Edit: It's Early Access tho, meaning it's technically still in development. Interesting trend some of these games developers are taking lately, at least the independent ones. Update: Gave the 20th anniversary edition of Flashback demo a go, but somehow I just wasn't feelin' the vibe like I did the original. The grafix were all up-to-date n' shit, but I don't like the stupid character dialogue. I liked it better when they were silent. Plus my aged system has a much easier time running the original. That's why I got the demo instead of paying for it. Try b4 u buy innit Still want new laptop tho. (santa pls)
  3. Nerds, as in pretty much everyone? I bought those three on some CD-ROM three years ago for like ten bucks, but never got really into them. Fallout 3 and New Vegas must have spoiled me (NV especially)
  4. Scorched Earth...damn, that's the one game I must have missed back in the '90s. I'll have to find that one and give it a try. Seems like both it and QBASIC Gorilla inspired the Worms series...another game I'd like to pick back up.
  5. [youtubehd]rOGNPNqJ4SU[/youtubehd] Yeah forget guns, I'll load up with some explosive 'nanas instead, in case of invasion by aliens, drones, zombies, or dirty mullets. Currently too tired to give a fuk about stuff
  6. Breaking Rolling LOLs since 1999! :) Damn, I almost wanna put this under my sig
  7. No gaming today, but last night I finally unlocked the last of the 10 character classes in Risk of Rain. I'm not sure whether I'll ever get a PS4. Don't really care about XBone. I'd rather opt for a new PC as a gaming rig, specifically for Routine, which is still undergoing development I believe. I hear it's supposed to have Oculus Rift compatibility as well - should be quite a trip. Altogether it would be one hell of an investment for a single game tho.
  8. How do you pronounce fwp anyway? "Foop?" I guess I'll start calling them foops from now on
  9. I think you're on to something Jason [youtubehd]3FA368-dVWs[/youtubehd]
  10. I made a cartoon splat sound commonly heard in the official YouTube Poop intro and Nickelodeon back in the day by spitting out coffee that had excess grounds in it
  11. full retard

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Radio was out in 2003, Tropic thunder 2008

    3. ambermonk


      Radio and Tropic Thunder now added to Must Watch list

    4. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      tropic thunder is one of my fav movies. its so stupid

  12. Damn radiator coolant tank in my truck went empty again after I'd filled it two days ago. Probably a leak, but I have to be on a plane in less than two days, so I'll deal with it after I return from my trip. The cold weather is cooling it tho I think. And all other fluid levels are still good.
  13. oh shit good call Yek haha I love the awkward stare from the two doctors at the very end
  14. [youtubehd]CejyfdIaCQ0[/youtubehd] I find the end quite..."IDM"
  15. Microsoft can eat a bag of dicks I died about a minute in
  16. Whoa, you were in Egypt? There's still a lot of turmoil there. That takes some balls man.
  17. The member Sup? Nope...see the AAA thread Population control, if you think about it
  18. On Level 6 of Flashback (1992) now, but I'm about ready to take a break from it altogether. Plenty of cool stuff throughout, and it's nice to revisit old classics on occasion, but it's getting frustrating right now. Plus that copy protection nonsense - one of the things I hate most about older games. I had to download a separate manual in PDF just to bypass the stupid copy protections.
  19. It's Black Friday - the early morning after Thanksgiving in the US. But I had a sudden change of thought in the past hour. At first I viewed these shoppers with contempt, but now I'm concerned whether some crazy bastard decides to push their agenda on them by carrying out some sort of premeditated attack. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but I just have a hunch. Although I disagree with the Black Friday hype in general, it would be worse if something tragic were to occur.
  20. That time of year again in the US, just a couple days away...fuckin zombies [youtubehd]WBk32OUxCnU[/youtubehd]
  21. circa 1991 [youtubehd]goM-nWpeSvM[/youtubehd]
  22. Playing this one again, after about an eight-year hiatus, and before that, as a kid ...look familiar?
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