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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Damn, that was pretty lowball m8.. You might be unpleasantly surprised one day though ;) I'm not partnered up either. But i can see how you could have read what i said in a negative context. Perhaps now you know where i'm coming from. We're the saviours of the planet, we should get carbon credits for not having bred, basically not having to pay tax and instead getting a payment, funded by all those breeder's taxes. ahh sorry, you fixed my point already (reading the thread a post at a time.) Anyway, now he knows that i meant what you said i meant. Also, thanks for your faith in my wonderfulness Zephee, that's awesome. ;-] hah yep, more eyes on the team for moderatin'. ;-p True that. I apologise for my misunderstanding earlier. Welcome back, BTW. Grocery trips are very frustrating sometimes. I lol'd at your bit about punching the granny, even though I shouldn't.
  2. Well, if that's the case, then there was a huge misunderstanding on my part. I appreciate your perspective :) That sucks about the CD. Unfortunately I don't want it, but another WATMM member reading your offer might!
  3. Sriracha is a requirement for many meals
  4. Damn, that was pretty lowball m8.. You might be unpleasantly surprised one day though ;)
  5. And good luck with that gal you like, Logakght. I was always too much of a pussy to take risks, and now age is working against me. Probably better to take that chance now than live with regret later in life like I currently am.
  6. Playing Lonesome Road DLC on Fallout: New Vegas. Ulysses is a fun killer when he's talking to you via your robot. I understand he's trying to profess being an expert historian/philosopher, but it feels like sitting through a lecture at uni. The Red Glare is a fuckin' beast weapon though. And the reload animation is sexxxy.
  7. I probably take WATMM too seriously lately and it's showing. Beer helps.
  8. 31 So I'm pretty much on the cusp of having severe Ass Burgers and/or autechreism
  9. Just finished my first okonomiyaki I cooked in three or four months. Forgot to add the damn eggs though. It's more or less a Japanese dinner pancake. Also drinking a 12 oz. Pacifico.
  10. I had another one of those climax-before-waking-up dreams this morning. This time I was visiting someone's flat, but I noticed a weird, hostile-looking animal lurking in the shadows. It was some type of mutant land crab about the size of a medium-sized dog. It had a crimson-coloured carapace with yellow spots and blunt spines. Two girls nearby who noticed it started freaking out, and I grabbed a nearby shovel. As I prepared to attack the "death crab" with the shovel, it came rushing at me with great speed. I can't remember anything after that bit, so that's probably when I woke up.
  11. WA. A little outside Seattle. Its nice out here. A little cold and wet at times, but the nature and food make up for it. Being within spitting distance of two mountain ranges, a coastline, amazing peninsula and Canada is awesome. Not to mention the better of the two coasts is at your south. The east side of the state is pretty nice, good if you like flatter land and drier weather. We welcome you Thank you I'm actually no stranger to the Evergreen land. Most of my relatives are from the east side (Spokane) and north central. I've been there countless times but have never actually lived there, until possibly this year. Never been south where the Tri-Cities are though. I'm currently consuming homemade curry over jasmine rice, complimented by oolong tea as a beverage. Nothing fancy really.
  12. Latest AMFWP: I'm planning to move out of state in three months or so, once my apartment lease expires. Yesterday and today I received phone calls from my dad, asking if I would like to split the rent on a property with him once I move down. I have mixed feelings about the idea. While the price of rent is cheaper than what I'm paying now, and finding a flatmate won't be a challenge, I wonder if I'd end up sacrificing some independence by living with a parent again. I don't even know what job I'd have in that area by then. I also suspect it's not the ideal situation to be in if I were dating, should I happen to meet a woman of interest.
  13. Pretty sure I heard in one of their interviews that Sean is fond of Japanese home cooking (as am I). I interpreted the title bladelores in more of a literal sense - like a legend of knights in the forest or something.
  14. Nearly a year ago I had almost walked into a temporary ladies' restroom outside a supermarket. I had lost a contact lens earlier in the day, so that might've been attributed to poor vision. Later that same day, I got a speeding ticket from local law enforcement. This was after receiving a new pair of contact lenses though.
  15. Feel like I have a lot of pent-up frustration. And I want to either smash something or do something stupicray.
  16. Audioblysk - I take it you're from WA or CO? (My big plan this year is to move to WA)
  17. No offense taken. It's kind of an acquired taste. I began consuming natto years ago though. In fact, it was my daily breakfast when I lived in Japan. If you have a local Asian market in town, that would be the best place to look for it. They might store it in the freezer section.
  18. Natto w/ eggs & rice Most people I know either hate natto or never heard of it, but it's supposed to be healthy. It's basically fermented soybeans.
  19. Back to playing where I left off almost four months ago with Fallout: New Vegas, after taking a break from XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Currently on the Old World Blues DLC again. Seems like the Gamebryo engine is starting to show its age though. I guess Big MT is the Fallout equivalent of Area 51. While the most enjoyable of the DLCs, Old World Blues certainly has no shortage of sexual innuendo.
  20. Harlem quake will burn out within a few months I'm sure
  21. Some fat lady with a shopping cart stopped in line at the checkout lane but didn't bother leaving any room for anyone else to get past her, just as I was approaching from the left. Dumb cow.
  22. Hang in there Stephen. If you need to speak your mind, we'll listen. Though I've never attempted suicide, I've had the thoughts before too. These days that's not really the case, though I'm still constantly plagued by self-doubt and low self-esteem.
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