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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. WARNING: The following video may induce hunger cravings for flat circular baked treats.
  2. To hell with critics' reviews in general. I trust only the reviews and criticisms by real fans.
  3. Listened to recks on on the way home from work tonight. I must admit, when you're driving alone at night on a road with no traffic and no street lamps in the immediate vicinity, it's perfect.
  4. Employed but still broke. I'm tired of this crap. I'm sorry to hear about your medical situation Disparaissant. I hope the doc will have good news.
  5. laaaooooowwwllll Yeah Disparaissant, you should make some 'step.
  6. Same. Although the emails and eBooks throughout the game provide detailed insight to the game's setting and history, they really slow down gameplay if you read all of them.
  7. Giving XCOM: Enemy Unknown a go again after a three-month hiatus. This time I played it with the Slingshot DLC installed, which grants three new missions and a new Heavy soldier by the name of Shaojie Zhang, a former Triad member. Currently at the end of April 2015 and already on the Alien Base Assault. But once I ran into a pack of six Chryssalids, I was fuct. Will try again tonight, saving all of my Heavies' rockets for only Chryssalids.
  8. Tired of being broke all the friggin' time, even though I'm employed. Gonna try and sell my .22-calibre rifle this weekend. Would like to sell my laptop as well. I bought it in 2009 though, and isn't really designed to run high-end games at optimal performance. Plus a couple of keys are missing because a certain dog unwittingly popped them off.
  9. YES! That's the best thing I've seen in a loooong ass time lawl. FUCK ALL Y'ALL! BITCH! Seriously though, her friends sound like pieces of shit.
  10. "Hey guys! Wanna help an old man? Has anyone seen my glasses??"
  11. I like XCOM - both UFO: Enemy Unknown from 1994 and the Firaxis remaster from last October.
  12. That new Aliens game looks mediocre at best, and a steamy fecal pile at worst. I figured Gearbox would've learned something after dragging development of a product for years that turned out to be a train wreck like Duke Nukem Forever... Yeah, they should focus only on the Borderlands series.
  13. irlite (get o) is my top Exai track right now. Whether that will change with future listens remains to be seen.
  14. Time to start coating brand new underwear with that stuff
  15. Still not as bad as actually getting raped by gorillas. Maybe find someone with massage sk1llz to loosen them shoulder muscles, I dunno
  16. Yes! I wondered if there was already a TD thread. Chouax Bomber, Hipatropic Doyobi Drive In Freefall - Dinosaur Green Grass Revisited, and Skylight Red Omega are their top 3 tracks of their career I'd say. I never really listened to them until 2011, after that Japan Benefit Relief comp came out. Their remix of Antennasia's Night Camel is also excellent.
  17. Decided to listen to bladelores again. Seems I'm warming up to this track a bit more now.
  18. Boss at work is bitching at everybody almost every day lately over the most inane shit. I dunno how much longer I can tolerate it before I snap one of these days. Never went off on a superior at a job before. I've been there over six years though..
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