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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Seems like Ethiopians bear a closer resemblance to ancient Egyptians than modern Egyptians do, who are predominantly Arab. Also, written Amharic is aesthetically similar to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. Some expert anthropologist can probably explain better than I can why this probably isn't a coincidence. And I don't get why married women on FB suddenly change their full name to just their first and middle. Third time I've seen that happen in the past year.
  2. She has a dark road ahead, to put it in the nicest possible way.
  3. Lashings? Do "beatings" in a certain area count? n/m that was in poor taste Rage 2 is more fun than I expected, even if the story is its weakest point. Game reviews and ratings can sometimes be misleading. It is somewhat buggy though. I think twice now I've had a highlighted waypoint on the road no longer present, and yesterday I had an audio crash. But these are pretty infrequent glitches.
  4. I feel like I've prepared for quarantine culture for years without realizing it. The main changes I've felt recently are more active social avoidance (at least physically) and washing my hands more thoroughly, as well as using soap more efficiently. Also time to prioritize on Vitamin C intake.
  5. I've been on a shopping spree the last couple of days thanks to Steam sales. Bought Rust yesterday, as well as Generation Zero just now. BTW is it wrong that I'm enjoying Rage 2 more than I did Doom Eternal? Ironic considering the latter was the very reason I bought a new PC.
  6. Can confirm this (so far) at least in the case of villages along the west coast like Bethel, Dillingham, Kotzebue, and Nome, where there are no confirmed cases yet. The state as a whole has a confirmed number of cases of 69, as of now - my borough accounting for about half. Triple digits are inevitable, but we do have the advantage of natural isolation. We're just heavily reliant on air travel when it comes to logistics. COVID-related FWP: I still can't find any disinfectant product in stores, unsurprisingly. I hope we get another shipment soon, like we did with potty paper. EDIT: Alaska up to 85 confirmed today, along with first in-state death; a 63 y/o woman with underlying medical conditions.
  7. From my experience a regular exercise routine helps. But the COVID-19 closures have made this a no-go for me lately. I hear potassium is supposed to help prevent cramps though, which is one of the best things about bananas.
  8. Friendly reminder to everyone: EAT ORANGES EVERYDAY
  9. It's made me realize how easy it is to make people both stupid and selfish just by electing somebody as president who fits the criteria. And how unprepared we were for a pandemic.
  10. Woke up @ 8 AM this morning with a sharp shin splint. Could be due to the fact that I've been out of the gym for over a week (thanks COVID) and skipped a banana yesterday.
  11. Maybe I've just been looking in the wrong places then, like YT and Reddit. I think it's safe to say that the honeymoon phase has passed though.
  12. Could it be new parkour Mario-style game elements? Or maybe the story line that admittedly has at least two plot holes? Or how combined combat + adrenaline factor is basically on constant overdrive? I notice a lot of Doom fans take it personally when someone gives this game even the slightest critique. But even the best ones aren't without at least minor flaws. "WoUlD sOmEoNe PlEaSe KiLl ThIs IdIoT??" She thicc tho
  13. Back in Japan we had to wear separate slippers for inside our dorm. Not only there, but even some buildings at the university had their own slipper rack. This was in 2008 though. I just happen to have a soft spot for Corgis
  14. Just shows how much disarray our health care system is in. I heard that in RoK and Taiwan they've been testing people left and right. Why should it be so difficult for us to do the same? More importantly though, glad you're able to actually still get on here and vent about it.
  15. I started Rage 2 last night after beating Doom Eternal. I tried running it in May last year only to find out that my laptop wasn't powerful enough. Had to get it refunded at the time, but re-bought it yesterday thanks to the big sale. The new rig runs it no problem. Enjoying it so far, despite the mixed reviews.
  16. Wish I could work from home. But idk what niche I'd fall into with my skill set, given my job is almost entirely physical work.
  17. Nothing really beats home cooking.
  18. Really...that's welcome news. I played on Hurt Me Plenty because it was my first time. Still died multiple times though. Doom 2016 is a breeze in comparison. The game only crashed once on me so far, right when I was trying to yeet an Arch-Vile with the Crucible. EDIT: Shit, completely ignored your first question, sorry. 20 hours, according to Steam. I tried to order a Valve Index a week or so ago specifically for HL: Alyx. But got a message saying it could take up to 8 weeks, so I cancelled the order. Trying to save funds for necessities for getting thru this quarantine.
  19. Just finished Doom Eternal. God damn what a crazy ride that was. Was gonna try Prey (2017) again on the new PC until I found out Rage 2 was on sale for 70% off, so I grabbed it. Will probably give that a go next. Even Doom 2016 ran well on my now 7 y/o laptop. Id Software have been pretty savvy lately when it comes not only to innovation, but also optimization. And no one who's fought Marauders will disagree that they're total c**ts. Guess it's part of that whole Dark Souls flavor the Doom franchise is going for these days. Also managed to get all 6 Empyrean keys after completing the Slayer Gate challenges. The reward is major homage to Doom 64, which came in handy against larger enemies in late-game combat. Did the same on Steam, the night I first set up the new PC. Not sure if I'm ready to play it quite yet though.
  20. TROG and POV both great, as is Midnight Section. This will be one more light at the end of the pandemic tunnel.
  21. Four more cases in my city today, now putting us at 17. Latest ones were all travel-related. Our Trump-wannabe governor needs to get his head out of his ass and order a travel ban stat.
  22. دوست داری با من برقصی؟ አንድ ቋንቋ ብቻ በቂ አይደለም འགྲུལ་བཞུད་བདེ་བར་ཤོག
  23. Wasn't that mainly a 2013 pre-Q-Anon thing?
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