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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. The Outer Worlds is intriguing to me mainly because it's by the same devs of Fallout: New Vegas. But I'm willing to wait a year for its exclusivity leash to be cut if that's what it takes. Mine is Scope_Dog. Haven't played RoR 2 in a couple of months, but it's pretty fun.
  2. As a gun owner myself, that's pretty much how I see it. For civilian ownership of firearms, I see no need to have a gun for any purpose other than hunting, self-defense, or recreational target shooting. And on top of that, any weapon with an ammunition capacity exceeding 10 rounds. Prime Minister Ardern swiftly enacted the assault weapon ban in New Zealand immediately following the Christchurch massacre. Why can't we?
  3. I am omniscient. I manifest in multiple forms, via various members as proxies and avatars. I am nowhere and everywhere at the same time. Or some shit.
  4. Nah. Having had multiple (unsuccessful) third party login attempts to my Epic account during my brief Fortnite phase, I'm too wary to take the chance again. Besides, EGS is an objectively inferior platform to Steam. I'll just wait for the next big No Man's Sky update. Last I heard Sean Murray and his team are busy getting the Beyond update ready.
  5. You guys are gonna like this one. It was one of those dream moments that happened right before I woke up. But I was wandering around inside an aquarium, but then I felt this loud, intermittent thumping. Turns out inside the main tank, a live giant squid was throwing its body against the glass, trying to break free. It never actually succeeded, but it was enough force to bend the glass slightly and shake the whole room.
  6. I'd play if it were on Steam. Anything Epic exclusive is dead to me. Sorry.
  7. It's not just terrorism, but white terrorism. Carried out by pasty incels who frequent 4chan, take racist jokes for gospel, and jerk off to anime girls. Because 4chan is now an indirect threat to innocent people, it might as well be a terrorist organization. And I'm being sincere about this,
  8. I can't tell if this is the WATMM Death thread or Trump thread anymore. Oh shit, sorry. lol.
  9. I don't know enough about this second shooting in Dayton, but it's already been confirmed that the El Paso shooting was politically motivated. And I suspect the timing is too close to be coincidence. You wanna say this isn't about politics, but there's been a consistent pattern with these reactionary nutjobs releasing their manifestos prior to their assaults. And yes, the majority of us are anti-Trump. Deal with it.
  10. Started getting into Mutant Year Zero just now. Fallout-style story with XCOM-style combat. But the neat thing about it is that you can move around normally in real time when exploring, as opposed to having to point-and-click your way around the world. It's only when you enter combat that it goes turn-based. But you can still rotate the camera to any angle you wish, which is nice. They nailed the voice acting as well. This one should carry me over for a while, at least for the next week. Brand new DLC just came out too, but I'd to play through the main game first.
  11. 4chan even got mentioned on MSNBC over this latest shooting, stating exactly that. Quite frankly, the entire site needs to be busted wide open at this point - get exposed for the psychological cesspool and moral black hole that it is. And hopefully the cockroaches that live there would no longer have anywhere to hide. Sorry, but I have no sympathy for those pukes.
  12. You'd be surprised how popular Kalashnikovs are in the US. But the surge in mass shootings we've seen since he got inaugurated is more than a coincidence I suspect.
  13. Possibly. Perhaps one important detail I forgot was that he had no shirt (no homo)
  14. 20 people dead in anti-immigrant shooting at a Walmart in El Paso: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/03/us/el-paso-walmart-shooting.html DIdn't see this posted yet, but I'm posting it in the Trump thread because I believe he is complicit in this, seeing how xenophobia is basically his entire campaign. Becoming the firebrand of white nationalist terrorism will be his legacy.
  15. More an observation than a tho(ugh)t. But I witnessed an individual outside my condo building in the evening yesterday whomst I could only describe as a street pirate. Lanky, Caucasian male, probably mid-20s. Basketball shorts, backwards cap, goatee, ponytail halfway down to his ass. He was likely drunk as shit. Kept wandering to random points within a tenth of a mile radius and barking incoherently. The only words I could make out were "FUK", "WUDDUP CUZ", "FAGGOT", "SUK MY DIK", and "FUK WIT ME?" Street pirates be trifling. At least things quieted down after about an hour.
  16. ^ She was the fire captain's daughter, no less. Of course the officer is on paid administrative leave.
  17. Not really adding anything new here. But in terms of direct impact, no. He's a bloated tick as far as I'm concerned. But the silver lining is that every bottom-dwelling white nationalist twat has been drawn out into the open in the last two or three years, and all the worst aspects of the Republican party and their fundamentally flawed ethics and policies that come with are in full manifest. Meaning the rest of us are more motivated than ever to mend a long-broken political system. Perhaps it's the kick in arse we were long due for, if that makes sense. I just hope that sooner rather than later, we can make real progress in the way of dealing with climate change, fixing our deteriorating foreign policy (including the influence of the military industrial complex), pushing for universal health care, improving education, refurbishing faltering infrastructure, etc.
  18. I didn't bother jumping URLs at all. But just from seeing the name Fraternity of Excellence I know it's gonna be gay af
  19. That's what I'm hoping, but I suspect there's room for improvement in my diet. Probably need to cut back on beer and peanut butter consumption. Wouldn't be the first time I hit a road block like this tho
  20. Weighed myself this morning. But my weight is unchanged from a month ago, despite having done two 6-day gym streaks in a row in the last two weeks. Ugh. And this was after I'd shed 6 lbs (nearly 3 kilos) in the month of June. wtf
  21. I already have two guns. But I've been keeping them locked up for the past 8 months and only see myself using them on paper targets at the range. One of them is underpowered, and the other is overpowered for a hypothetical armed insurrection, which TBH I don't see particularly likely to ever materialize in my locale - despite the fact that nearly everyone in my state is packing. The reason I have guns in the first place were as a family inheritance, and I'm holding them for safekeeping basically.
  22. Nightmare Reaper has some killer fight music in the Sulfuric Mines and Forsaken Village chapters, but I can't find any URLs to them. I know Andrew Hulshult also wrote the soundtrack for Dusk and Amid Evil tho. He's basically the modern day Bobby Prince, albeit less jazzy/bluesy and more metal.
  23. The Beebles Gunts and Rosemaries Smashing Blumpkins Nine Inches Deep Cool and the Gangbang Sugar Gay Smashed Teeth Mouth No Doubt Your Music Sux Backdoor Boys Lady GagaGTFO R2J2 A$AP Rock Hard in a Jail Cell Minus 6ixty9ine Final Test Score
  24. I tried the so-called bulletproof coffee before in a blender, which was basically coffee blended with grass-fed butter (Kerrygold brand), coconut oil (MCT oil wut lol), pinch of salt, and cinnamon. But tbh I think you're better off just stirring the shit in as opposed to using a blender, mainly because it's a potential safety hazard with the pressure buildup from the heat. The entire contraption becomes effectively like a primed bullet, so extreme caution is advised when removing the lid, if you're gonna do it that way.
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