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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. It's probably my gym visits over the past year and (mostly) careful dieting that are paying off, on top of being a non-smoker. I started going bald in my mid-20s tho, so I've been shaving my dome ever since. As for genetics, I found out back in Japan that I have loads of antibodies - that or I just got vaccinated early in life.
  2. Turns out I look younger than I actually am, according to at least two friends in the last couple of months. Must be doing something right.
  3. I finished Mutant Year Zero: Road To Eden last night, after nearly 30 hours. My first two days of playing it I was about ready to quit because I kept getting my ass whooped. But once I took a step back and researched some gameplay tips, I jumped back in, restarted, and it finally clicked. Had a similar experience with the new RE2 last February. While the combat is basically the same as XCOM's, there's much more emphasis on stealth and guerrilla warfare, as you're limited to 3 squad members at any given time. But you also have much more freedom in the way of exploration and reconnaissance. And like the Fallout games you can travel anywhere on the world map and return to locations at any time. And the Ark is right at the center, which is the game hub where you can resupply and buy upgrades. I like the overall aesthetics more than Fallout also. I get that in Fallout they were going for the retro-futuristic Atomic Age look for all their technology, but in MYZ some of the weapons, robots, and machinery look outright alien. More..."IDM", if you will. Ion Fury (formerly Ion Maiden) is out of early access tomorrow, after a year and a half. A brand new game made on the original Duke Nukem 3D (Build) engine. Can't wait.
  4. There should be a video game where you can play as a squad that exterminates a troll infestation. LIke Left 4 Dead except all the zombies are replaced by trolls basically
  5. There's a big-ass bull moose in the neighbors' yard (still house-sitting) that's been lying in the shade panting for the last 3 or 4 hours. Plus his balls are about the same size as the tennis variety. I already contacted one of the fish and game wardens, but they said that moose sometimes spend several hours cooling off in one spot during warm weather.
  6. Dunno how I missed this, but I'm guessing that rear bumper is part of her car? Hell naw, I don't want some batshit-brained (albeit slightly milfy) cat lady co-opting the progressive movement. No thanks.
  7. I'd be happy to see Ted Cruz finally gone. And Mitch McConnell in Kentucky even more so - voting him out is just as critical at this point as ridding the White House of Trump and his stench. There's also a petition circulating in my own state to get our governor recalled, who's basically a Trump wannabe. He's the last person we need in charge when we're having the warmest summer in the Arctic that I've seen in the last two decades.
  8. Chernobyl worker is actually one of the failed FEV test subjects found inside Vault 87 in Fallout 3
  9. On the way home from work (about an hour ago) I encountered a truck with oversized tires with a sticker on the center of the tailgate that read "TRUCK LIVES MATTER". And sure enough, a Trump-Pence bumper sticker on the bottom left. If that isn't a dead giveaway for a micro-dick man-baby alpha-wannabe MGTOW-disciple insecure testosterone-obsessed incel, I dunno what is.
  10. His mental illness is not only damaging to millions of people, but also himself. Might as well put a screaming toddler in the cockpit of a commercial airliner.
  11. Just started house-sitting for a few days but forgot to bring almond milk from home for my cereal. So instead I managed to find two eggs to scramble and drizzle Sriracha on top. Simple yet satisfying. The trick to good scrambled eggs is medium heat, stir it gently the whole time, and take it off heat as soon as there's no liquid left. Then it's fluffy perfection.
  12. 14th! It'll be tricky choosing which game to commit to in the next couple of weeks tho. The 11th will be the 20th anniversary of System Shock 2, and the 15th will be when Ion Maiden Fury is finally complete and out of early access. And I recently restarted Mutant Year Zero and figured out how to play it correctly and am getting quite into it ATM.
  13. Balls are also designed to keep sperm below the average internal body temperature for males. And the purpose of sweat is to cool the human body. Maybe that's why the balls are the first part of the body to get sweaty. Refrigeration concept for seed.
  14. That Seinfeld for Millennials tho...I legit thought that was Beto O'Rourke with a man bun at first
  15. I fail to see how mere IQ (or lack thereof) alone would be a factor in the odds of someone going postal in populated public areas. It's not as simple as that, or even relevant. I'm no psychologist, but I reckon it has more to do with a proclivity towards severe detachment/withdrawal from society, caused by possible childhood trauma and/or having been bullied in school. Which might lead to a potential perp to become attracted to more radicalized fringe communities on the internet where they might feel acceptance.
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