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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Yesterday I spend the day in a seaside resort town. For lunch I went to a local pizzeria, and the waitress who served me looked oddly familiar. After a moment of pontificating, it donned on me that she looked like the Cake Farts girl. (NSFW if you've never seen the vid) She was super friendly tho. Afterwards I visited the aquarium/marine life conservation center in the same town. And I watched a ringed seal face me upside-down and shit in the tank whilst submerged. Pretty sure it's not the first time he's done it.
  2. Yeah man I hate that shit too. It can either be a cliche "getting to know you on a date" question or some arbitrary neo-Victorian small talk. Why can't we all just agree that we're doing what we can to get by and call it a day?
  3. Oh yeah, Invasion mode. I don't understand the hype surrounding that tbqh. Then again, Id Software are at the behest of Bethesda. And I heard Tim Willits is leaving the company after 24 years. So I'm tempted to shift my own sentiments from excitement to wary patience. And I recall a semi-famous YouTuber describing the player character in Hunt Down The Freeman as "the guy whom all the male students in middle school think gets all the girls"...lol
  4. Seems like the film industry is too chickenshit to produce anything of political satire anymore. Even during the Dubya years we had Fahrenheit 911 and Iraq For Sale (both indie documentaries, but still). Hell, even Team America took jabs at both sides of the political spectrum in the early years of the Iraq invasion.
  5. Fair point. But I'm still deeply disappointed with the way Gearbox handled DNF. Granted I've never played it, but I've seen enough reviews and gameplay footage to know that it was a big flop. Forced, tasteless humor, buggy controls, unnecessary drawn-out gameplay sections...I could go on. But at least we got Ion Maiden Fury this year. Might play that one again at some point. As for Valve, I think Steam is the biggest thing keeping the company afloat these days. It's still the most reliable online PC store out there (although GOG are stepping up their game lately) and I won't be ditching it any time soon. Can't say anything on the future of Half-Life officially. But I'm sure we'll at least see more third-party HL-based standalone games and mods - hopefully that don't end up a train wreck like Hunt Down The Freeman did in early 2018. But Doom Eternal was indeed officially announced for the Switch on their FB page I thought, along with the March 2020 release. Unless I missed something? EDIT: Switch release announcement to come after that of all other platforms, according to the post. So it will happen eventually. We just don't know when yet.
  6. Like Duke Nukem Forever? We can all thank Randy Shitbird for ruining it tho. The only way we'll ever get another faithful, dignified reboot is if Gearbox somehow implodes as a company. As for Doom Eternal, I don't mind the wait. I'll make sure to buy a Switch Lite before then.
  7. He's like a dog dragging its ass on a carpet everywhere he goes. He just leaves one long skid mark trail. (I rarely have anything new to report in this thread, but still)
  8. That would have been the Bundy Ranch militia circa 2014. But close enough.
  9. The GOP are basically the al-Qaeda of Christianity at this point
  10. Gumbo is the shiznit. Best pot I ever had was after catching spot shrimp in Prince William Sound back in 2006. So fat and buttery.
  11. It did, a little. But it would help slightly more if it in were C#. EDIT: Just got an idea. Might just make a butchered remix for revenge sake if nothing else.
  12. That fuckin Smash Mouth song from Shrek has been stuck inside my head the last few days like a parasite. Get it out GET IT OUT
  13. Now that it's been a year since the hit job on Jamal Khashoggi, and Donnie is still in cahoots with the Saudi government that orchestrated it, it seems like that's been mostly swept under the rug. Still no justice. I guess as long as it's carried out by government officials it doesn't count as a crime innit.
  14. Just made my first batch of salsa verde, from scratch. Turned out better than expected. But now my fingers have an odd, lingering salt burn/tingle sensation. Not sure whether it's from the garlic cloves or the whole jalapeno pepper I chopped. Probably the latter.
  15. That's the universal AAA game industry standard these days. If you mean Eternal, then Nov. 23rd if I'm not mistaken.
  16. Jeezus, he looks so god damn goofy. Looks like one of those stereotypical obese bankers/robber barons from countless political cartoons in the last century. Congress must authorize revocation of presidential privileges ASAP
  17. All the Trump toadies are - so about one-third of the population basically. But not me. And I'm personally hoping more military veterans will come around and realize how much of a threat he is to our democracy. And Robert De Niro dropped some F-bombs on CNN yesterday live on air, saying "He should not be president, period. Fuck him. Fuck him." The same actor who played Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver back in 1976, who's pretty much the archetype of modern day masculinity - a central idea that Trump supporters in general have obsessed over in the last 3 years. Gotta love the irony in that.
  18. Well, well...I haven't played Brain Age since right after I bought my DS Lite back in late 2006. Used to play it on a regular basis then. And I'm actually considering buying a Switch Lite soon. Might be a good mental workout in the morning on top of my physical ones.
  19. What can I say Prdct, you always know how to deliver the goods
  20. Something less metaphysical and more educational; apparently a spanner in the UK is an adjustable/crescent wrench in the US. I had not realized this until this year, although the term spanner makes perfect sense in that context.
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