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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by six

  1. lol, i am not surprised, they never understand electronic music I don't know why but I always get this impression from pitchfork reviews, like the guy on the other side of the review has a serious inferiority complex. Or a small penis.
  2. Yeah, you'd be wrong there. Kidding of course, that's the wonderful thing about Ae, we can all find wonder in completely different sounds. I bought the special version of Quaristice, don't really regret it, but it's definitely the most money I've ever paid for an album, and definitely my least favorite Ae album that I own, which is most of them. Has some great tracks, but they feel unfinished and most of them don't really have that grand sense of epicness I love from Ae. Oversteps on the other hand, I don't really get the hate for. Sure it's noodly, but I'm a big lover of proggy synth stuff from the 70s and was listening to a lot of that at the time, so for me that was Ae's return to form. MOT is a bit wanky, but I still like it. I just hope we can all agree on loving Exai.
  3. Unfortunate. I'm not going to get all high and mighty about the brilliance of Exai, as Ae lost me for a while as well with the Draft through Quaristice period. Although there are some absolutely stellar tracks among those three releases, I kind of thought Ae had lost their magic and wasn't expecting them to return to the brilliance I loved from 97-01. But I've absolutely loved Oversteps and even more so Exai. I can only hope it clicks with you with time, sometimes that's all it takes.
  4. One could say the same about your choices too though. Despite being close in time period, Chiastic Slide and LP5 sound as different from each other as anything in their discography at that point. While I love them both, they are very different albums. And while Confield and Draft are both from around the same time period and are Ae at their most abstract, Confield is one of my most loved albums, whereas Draft continues to be a chore to listen to for me. Untilted, Quaristice, and Oversteps all sound extremely different from each other despite being sequential albums. What you may see as similar albums might be worlds apart for some people. And just because two albums share a commonality, does not make them both great or both bad. There are many more factors at play here.
  5. lol, I can't tell if that was an overview of Autechre's discography or psychedelic drugs...
  6. Very tough to rank, and was surprised that Exai made it so high in my list right away. Maybe after the initial lushness dies down it will drop lower, but I'm loving it to bits right now. Chiastic Slide, now and forever the champ. 1 Chiastic Slide 2 Exai 3 LP5 4 Confield 5 Oversteps 6 Amber 7 Quaristice 8 Untilted 9 Tri Repetae 10 Incunabula 11 Draft 7.30 1 Envane 2 EP7 3 Cichlisuite 4 Anvil Vapre 5 Move of Ten 6 Peel Session 2 7 Peel Session 8 Garbage 9 Anti EP 10 Quadrange 11 Gantz Graf
  7. The thread grew 40 pages in 24 hours. Although to be fair, about 20 of those pages were people talking about how slow the download from bleep was taking, with updates of how far along they were into the ~2GB dl. But my bet is now everyone is too busy listening and scraping their brains up off the floor Haha, yeah I'm not at all saying that's it's NOT active, just that it seems to have been going at an even more rapid pace talking about absolute nonsense for about a week. About to finish my third listen, still absolutely loving this. They are both great, but Disc 2 totally crushes Disc 1.
  8. How is it that this thread seems less active now that we actually have something awesome to talk about?
  9. I've got Exai fever, and the doctor said there's no 'chre
  10. Amen to that, so appropriate. Bring on the blizzard, bring on the weed, bring on the Exai!
  11. Just finished my second listen and Flep is the only track I'm not wild about, but it's not bad either, just stands out as subpar on an otherwise brilliant album. Disc 2 is a masterpiece from start to finish. So happy right now...I promised I wouldn't cry...oh fuck...
  12. Eh... Pffff where's your Modesty, gentleman. Prostitute Monkey Prime Minister Psilocybin Mushrooms I bet this would be awesome to listen to in the PopeMobile.
  13. Holy shit, I think Exai has pretty much universal praise from WATMM, which is like unheard of. I'm happy to say that this album is marvelous, they really outdid themselves with this one. Such a crazy range of their previous styles, psychedelic and insane while remaining totally accessible. I think the second disc would have been great on its own, but I am ecstatic that there are two discs of some of Ae's best material. And that's just after my first listen, these are just going to get better with time as always.
  14. Happens on the promo too. Could be part of the track I guess but it does feel a bit odd. That is on mine as well
  15. Holy shit, just got to 1 1 is and it is blowing my mind, such a weird combination of their previous styles. About halfway through Exai and this is so so good. It's going to take a while for everything to sink in, but I've been into every track so far. It really does cover a ton of ground, as others have said, a culmination of everything leading up to this.
  16. BLAAAAAAAAAAAADEEEEEELOOOOOOOOORRRRREEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!!! *Rappels out of window with the Exai promo, runs down the side of the building Tom Cruise style, jumping in slow-mo just as the NY Warp offices ignite in a ball of fiery gas. Takes out Warp bots with the ancient Bladelores technique. LEAKS EVERYWHERE. Chills with Flep and Mira in secret AE IDM isolation pool underneath the east river. Listens to leak, HEAD ASPLODE.*
  17. I'm not loving either of these tracks, but going in with my expectations low and hoping to be blown away still. I really loved Oversteps more than anything since Confield, so I'm just taking things with a grain of salt.
  18. Thanks all! Definitely looking into making a few VHS copies for myself and friends, but yeah, a little wary of selling them... Skam, if you're reading this, I'm available!
  19. Thanks! Speaking of VHS Head, was super excited to receive this in my Vimeo inbox the other day.
  20. sorry my ignorance, but it looks like/sounds like if in the intro of memorex video, you actually spotted where the vhs head samples came from and glued them with the original videos... did you do that??? or is it just a awesome case of synchronicity??? Nope, just careful planning! Tried to match each sound/lyric with a visual that made sense. Took fuckin' ages, probably around 400 hours of work total in my free time over the past year. Glad it was worth it! Did you have these lying around or did you pick them up on ebay? Ripped most of them from youtube Check out the 80s Commercial Vault if you're interested in the source material, a lot of it came from there.
  21. I was a huge Donnie Darko fan when I picked the name 10 years ago, and now I'm kind of stuck with it. Not a bad idea, maybe I could make a short one song mix with Donnie Darko footage someday though. The next one is gonna be all westerns though. I finished the audio a while ago, and my friend who I started Smash TV with will be editing the video this time. So I'll keep you posted about "Gunslinger" in another year or so probably, it's looking pretty great so far!
  22. Thanks everyone, I'm quite proud of it myself! Glad it is making the rounds on some of the major blogs, and more importantly, that it has WATMM approval! If you like this one, be sure to check out the first one I did, Skinemax. https://vimeo.com/29999445
  23. Been working on this for the past year or so in my free time. Previously worked on Skinemax, so it had a precedent, but this was a much more difficult affair. Came up with the idea after listening to a bunch of stuff that sounded like it had been decaying on an old tape for years, BOC Old Tunes, Hype Williams, VHS Head, etc. I was also watching a lot of nostalgic VHS footage and decided to theme one around old 80s commercials. Glad you guys enjoy it! Here's some more info if you're interested: Vimeo Description: https://vimeo.com/55006097 Huffington Post write up: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/22/memorex-80s-mashup-video-nostalgia_n_2528517.html I did an interview recently as well which I'm shopping around to various publications to see if they're interested, so I'll post that here as well once I know what the deal is. Spread the word! Oops, looks like that automatically posts the video, just click the title for the description.
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