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Everything posted by goDel

  1. that was a pretty bomb ass tweet, but how does the ayatollah feel about it? It's all (schoolyard) politics. Underlying issue here, imo, is: are we going to keep on crying we have a problem which can only be solved by bombing our way out of it, or are we going to try to fucking grow up, and have a dialogue and come to a deal? The other context is that in a ( political) world where there are bibi's ( or rather, people whose thoughts are represented by bibi), there always needs to be some counterbalance on the other side of the spectrum to even things out. Here Khamenei fits the shoe. This is not to put the blame entirely on bibi, btw. Lots of stupid/immature stuff has been said in the past from both sides. And that stupid stuff always seems to be followed with more stupidity. And bibi needs to keep on cater the right wing powers. ( cant help but to think about cruz at this point as well. Even summa cum lauda graduated people can say/do crazy stupid stuff... Effortly, because he's so smart, apparently) But here it's nice to notice what came first and second. In this instance it's bibi acting first (crying about a bad deal), so obviously, there needs to be some kind of iranian response to counterbalance. But does khamenei response actually means there wont be a deal, or that iran wont keep to the deal when its finally there? Behind all the political smoke and mirrors the factual actions of the parties involved (exclude israel and american congress here, btw) behind the deal show a more positive side, imo. Also, point of view from an outsider on some vaguely tangential issue, the idea that american state representatives need to have a say ( read: actual executive powers) on international issues is pretty ridiculous. And either shows a complete lack of respect for the executive branch, or a complete lack of self-awareness about how little people at the state level understand about international politics. Prolly both. And the beautiful thing about the tweet is that it diffuses the political smoke and mirrors with a good sense of humor. Imoooooo
  2. Must say that I love the recent white house tweet with this pic. It's the white house saying "FU Bibi!". And with a good sense of humor as well, imo. Pretty sure bibster thinks otherwise. (Which makes the joke even better!) =D
  3. The fact that Lynch pulled the plug because not enough money was involved has me worried a bit. If someone was able to direct a low cost movie it was Lynch. And I was also hoping he had 'trancendented' the whole money thing. I hope he's not turning into a new George Lucas.
  4. i'm a self hating hipster, get it right! you're licking your glass like a lollypop!? courtesy pic for watmm sausage fest? nevermind the nazi cat btw...
  5. Fair. Completely agree on dialogue being the best option. You should talk to Bibi about Iran not being an existential threat, btw. Could help greatly. Although I kinda understand Bibster with all the anti-zionist rhetoric from Iran in the past. (And I'm sure he can't play cool because of all the hawkish-rightish voters in Israel. It seems like a big constituency, so he needs to kater them as well.)
  6. Hey chen, come to think of it: what's your view on the current negotiations about iran's nuclear programme? It might deserve a thread on its own. And it might even already exist. But i'm curious. Is this going to be a good deal? And more on topic I guess, is this an example of another kind of US when it comes to international policy?
  7. Cotton and his hillbilly buddies from the senate sending a letter to Iran...what a bunch of ignorant idiots.
  8. Also surprised but happy some SAWII-sessions tracks have popped up. Would have expected more in the dump unto this point. But happy nevertheless! I'd love some moar!
  9. This! You took the words out of my thoatie. Please the long version. Loving those acid baselines with them dreamy pads. :D +plus loving the new batch. this is quality stuff!
  10. Hahaha yeah He should be in the center of the entire dank memeverse. The godfather of dank.
  11. Rixxx doubling as a hot plate? Be sure to scrub hard afterwards! :P
  12. guuurl [ spoiler ] [ / spoiler ] protip: click "quote" on a post, then in the reply box click the li'l switch on the top left corner, should reveal the codes the post has used. Also easier to make replies/quote posts that way imo the switch in the upper left corner!!! *grasps for air* after years of watmm....i ... i didn't knooooowwwwwwwwww. aaargh. dude thkx a bunch!
  13. i think rixxx's got a memory problem as well ;D bambs - rixxx 1 : 1
  14. you're becoming watmm's own version of kanye west. if only you'd be just as successful with the ladies though. in a sausage party like this you're only option is to hook up with the male equivalent of the kardashians. i vote for stephenG playing that part, btw. My ass isn't big enough though. edit: I mean I'm not into guys. lol
  15. you're becoming watmm's own version of kanye west. if only you'd be just as successful with the ladies though. in a sausage party like this you're only option is to hook up with the male equivalent of the kardashians. i vote for stephenG playing that part, btw.
  16. Don't think the UFO-dude is a good depiction of watmmers though. And obviously, we've been through all of that as well.
  17. Love the article on the boiler room. Listening to Human Rotation now.... he could have friggen blown f-ing Prodigy right out of the water if he'd released his early rave tunes! My f-ing god. Experience my ass. That's rave for wussbags.
  18. LOL What could make this thread more of a classic than it already was? Right, the Paradinas family displaying their dirty laundry. ;D Hey Bambs, do you have a clue about that whole Steinvord ordeal? We might need a couple new ways to mindphuq some boardmembers some more, and if you're into the story (or, present it that way), we might be in for an extra laugh or two.
  19. Source? I think the dry and punchy production, particularly the drums, sounds like the Syro period. There is a certain maturity and confidence in the way the tracks are based on relatively simple patterns and few details/sounds. Yeah. I agree. Sound like early "Aphex building hardware setup for specific tracks" period to me. Kinda hard to tell, but to me it's the way the various 'instruments' sound independent and well spaced against each other. Every 'instrument' has it's own distinctive space and isn't blurred with the other 'instruments' within the track. Kinda hard to explain, but that's one of the things I hear in the newer tracks.
  20. "The masters" *cues angels singing in the background*
  21. It's that damn pic (gif) that's been posted again... Thank you! (Not) (As funny is it may be)
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