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Everything posted by goDel

  1. Geez, Rich. If I throw chocolate coins in your face, would you burn me a CDR? kthxbye!
  2. Luvvly stuff. Glad he seriously picked up his old job of releasing music again. * puts on headset and lies down in the grass, watching the cloudlines in the sky*
  3. Interstellar - 7/10 Could hardly understand what mcdonut was syaing throughout the movie. but nevertheless dropped a few tears a couple of times. really played with my emotions a couple of times.. (was good, but i'm such a wussbag)
  4. Good enough. And I see a couple of cans with sugar free on it. So the idea is there.
  5. Watmm delivers ;D *orders g&t, sugarfree*
  6. In this thread I've learned that Richie is straight edge. ... But I'm sure he wasn't in the 90s!!!
  7. Interesting article! Thx for posting. Forum tourettes?
  8. Fiz, sorry to hear about your condition. About eating crickets: i'm afraid it's the future. In 10 years we'll all be eating them... Regularly . :/ Ogawd, where will the world be in 10 years... ( happy newyear everyone...)
  9. Hey Fiz, what happened to your change in diet? I just went through the thread and found this rather optimistic post of yours: edit: not trying to be a dick, btw. just interested, because it reads like lots has changed. and perhaps not for the etter either. although i'm not the one to make assumptions like that...
  10. Interview with 5 composers of scores for films released in 2014. Trent Reznor being one of them. Interesting to hear the various perspectives on how they work. Around the 36 min mark is an interesting bit about Reznor contracting the way he composes with how people usually compose songs. So instead of starting with a key or a melody, Trent searches for a setting or a sound.
  11. And with typing out "cynical European WATMM members" you were overflown by a sense of self-reflectiveness which made you aware of the current assumptions and generalisations about the group of people that was supposedly aimed at... /meta Personally, I think the subject matter is not that interesting though. As it's basically a setup for falling into the generalisations and assumptions trap. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy with the most probable outcome that a certain group of individuals, most likely to have some Americans in it - ironically-, are going to school the rest of the board how to think about America and its civilians, and how they think Europeans think. But that's just my assumption...
  12. Just seen Gone Girl. Pike reminds me of an ex. .. I might be turning misogynistic. Thanks Obama. :/ Good film though. Perfectly cast.
  13. Being lonely during the holidays. Oooo, it's that time of the year again... Good luck to everyone with the tendency to comply to social norms - like gathering around a decorated tree with a bunch of people - even if you hate them. Those social norms, I mean. Not the people. At least, not necessarily those people. You can hate them as well, but that was not the point I was trying to make. Whatevs. Good luck all.
  14. Perhaps there were lots of young kids living in the neighborhood that got scared?
  15. The thing is Europeans can be pretty ignorant about the underlying economics of things, it's like they assume a welfare state can just exist, but it takes a lot of work and a lot of cohesion in society. Europeans aren't very sensitive to the diverse nature of an immigrant nation like the USA. It's not as easy to pass laws like this when you have such diverse groups of people. I like the USA because they are so extreme about the ideals. In the US, you can take an opponent of your ideology, and use it to strengthen your own opposition and ideals which leads to a kind of pure form of those ideals. I think to really succeed in a debate over there, you generally need to be very technical and have fully comprehended the underlying structures, while in Europe it's more about emotions and "common sense" type of thinking. It seems like the US has big problems with cohesion to the point where you wonder if they can even have a functioning federal government, but there is something to be admired about the technicality and purity of a lot of that. Bottom line is I just can't muster respect for europeans in general because I think their criticisms of the US are flawed and lacking in substance, and being from europe myself I see it in people I talk to all the time. So yeah to the ops question, there is still a lot of usa hate, but it doesn't seem to be as public as it was a few years ago. I still hear it in conversation, hating the rich, the inequality, the war machine, the greed especially, and that they are "crazy" and extreme etc. I partly disagree. The US has proven in the past that it actually can get things done to improve social security. Passing laws is never easy. And I doubt it should be more difficult in the US than it is in any European country. Or rather, the EU as a whole. Because that would be a more obvious comparison. The current difficulties of "getting things done" in the US have almost nothing to do with diversity. There are a couple examples where 90% of the people would like to see certain policies (gun controls/background checks?), but somehow laws never get done. This has nothing to do with cohesion, and much to do with how politics are currently working in the US. Or rather, not working. Say "Hi!" to Piketty for me.... hint hint I suspect the ignorance you're referring to, is mostly ignorance with respect to the difference of governing a (European) country and governing a republic like the US (which is more similar to governing the EU). But that ignorance is hardly related to any of the "US hate" you're referring to, I believe. The "US hate", if there's such a thing, would be about foreign policies and/or US dominance in international politics. And this is an entirely different story. I don't believe people in the EU hate the US because "they don't have gun controls" or "a social system like those in the EU". So I wonder to what extent you'd think people in the EU, who'd hate the foreign policies of the US, are ignorant wrt those policies? O, and what does "hating the rich" have to do with "hating the US"?
  16. goDel


    Although I love those retro sounds, I do have the impression that he has milked that cow plenty. More of those retro sounds add nothing. And I must admit I quite like his new tunes as well. To my ears he has a fuller and broader soundpalette nowadays. It's more accessible, but not necessarily in a bad way, imo. Less Kraftwerk, and more ...euh... Quincy Jones!?
  17. It's that damned tortured to death animal again! Pic wasn't boring. It had the right amount of boob! But I guess the dead animal makes it even more exciting. I can't disagree. :D
  18. goDel


    Dude... The hostility :O Also, if Legowelt is spellt with a v, it sounds like it is said by a german. Legovelt, ein zwei drei...
  19. First world dangers for fluffy pets: frolicing with the helping hand of jumping ropes
  20. Good one...buuuuut on a quasi serious note, I'm guessing most people would have stopped being in the public eye long before reaching 77. Billy boy is still doing shows and tv appearances. Or rather, was. He must have seriously thought he could get away with it. Or more probable, didn't see any harm because thats how things were in the 60s/70s. 2015 will be the year of racial and sexual inequalities getting into peoples faces like never before..
  21. Madame Chaos' dead animal fetish.... Was this before or after the tieing up with jumping rope took place?
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