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Everything posted by goDel

  1. Oooooo, speculations! Nice! So, if I mix the following stuff together: -bigger than kickstarter -watmm needs a new server - rdj wouldnt be arsed managing his own bandcamp - papa has experience setting up bandcamp and managing that shit Than... Wouldnt it be possible that papa bear is working to set up an alternative bandcamp on the watmm servers where rdj might be able to release some old archives shit. Wouldnt be surprised if Grant was involved himself as well. Whats an interesting idea is that watmm already has some sort of income based on memberships. Classic recordlabels, or bandcamp miss that part of the economic equation. So this type of economic model might be interesting. Even if it's possible for non members to buy the music as well... Ok, this is just a silly idea..
  2. That's not a review. That's a very long piece about anything but the album. Blimps, other albums, fanboys and three tracks you like. You based your judgement on the way you didn't like the music, but you actually forgot to review the music. OK, except for the closer. That's the only part where I got the sense you actually tried to listen to the music and tried to make sense of it, regardless of your personal taste. Wow, I'd almost think you'd know how to review an album. Too bad you forgot to listen to the rest of the stuff you didn't like. Here's a tip: there's a difference between not liking music but respecting it, and just not have any respect for the music whatsoever. If you can't respect the music you're trying to review, you shouldn't review it. Next time, try to respect the music, even if you don't like it.
  3. Still no Japanese release bonus track in the leaks? :( Damn, I need all new Aphex.
  4. Just the two seconds? You're nuts! (Read: your nuts last just two seconds and are probably only able to enjoy excitement for two second time intervals) ;D
  5. The point is that it really doesn't matter whether people think it's OK or not. We're not here to be validated by the WATMM-peer group, right? At least, I hope people aren't looking for some kind of validation. It's new Aphex and you can listen to it. Extra karma points if you paid for it. Ironically, it's prolly those people who've paid for different formats (paid multippple times) who're listening already... But I'll smile to another girl today for some extra karma points if people can sleep better because of it.
  6. Must say my arousal levels start to rise towards the end of the album. Really dig from track 8 on...
  7. Lol I'll cross your mind with an axe. I went to bed downloading some unseeded torrent last night, and I just woke up reading this thread... Sounds like something is in the "mail" today
  8. Thanks for posting this, Limpy. Awesome stuff.
  9. They should really be leaked through Wikileaks!
  10. You gotta appreciate it. Happens in afx tunes also, once in a while. Edit: the broken mess bitroast was talking about... Speaking of which, the part in minipops from 0:55 till the break. What's with it? The first couple of listens it sounded like two poorly mixed tracks, with the beats out of synch. Am I doing something wrong? Is this a mastering thing? Too difficult for poor speakers? Or just something to get used too. It does seem to get less over time, but I can still get annoyed by this part, from time to time. It's like a mole sitting on someones nose, on an otherwise perfect face.
  11. Edit: given the other tracks on the channel, this screams fake. But i like these snips nevertheless :D
  12. Owwwwwwww sexy shit! Moar!
  13. There are more from that shoot: (taken from OOR interview)
  14. Poor? You mean "quite shit"? ;D
  15. Come to think of it, his face looks squashed as well! I guess that's what you get when you compress your photographs too f-ing much!
  16. Haha beautiful. I laugh every time he peeks out hahaha brilliant!
  17. I hear the sound of a lonely violin playing in the frozen distance in a snowy and otherwise completely silent forest. And suddenly, out of nothing a shout. KICKASS!
  18. Haha, bored, but still creative! I need to create a custom Member Group for Photoshop Experts! Also, anyone who thinks Drukqs was quite good needs to get their head and ears checked. (IMO) *fixt* Way too easy though
  19. *waves promo in front of webcam*
  20. The only way to learn to hold it longer until release is to train those pelvic muscles.
  21. Would be great. He or she could help this thread get over this whiny ass status quo. Sounds like a greater good is at stake here...this, and it might save some hungry kids in Africa as I'll be donating some money to some charity.
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