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Everything posted by goDel

  1. Wait, are we going to speculate about what will be in the new series!? That's like guessing what the next Lynch movie will be about. Pure madness. Even the actors don't know what they're going to do when they arrive on the set. How the hell would we know? Good luck with speculating. If you're right on any point, I'd be truly disappointed in Lynch!
  2. Oooo, I 'know' what the new shit is (read:what I want it to be). It's an Ask Steinvord Anything at WATMM alongside a set with old and new work and a new release!
  3. LOL You forgot about the places where you're being tied to a fence and beaten with a jumping rope by 8 year old girls - without a safeword!
  4. Clifford Gilberto is Tom's Bradley Strider
  5. So, if you start from the prodigy argument, how would you explain there aren't more releases? It's just another Bradley Strider. Only this time for Tom & Richie. How obvious of a hint could the name "Steinvord" be?
  6. You shouldn't. I mean, you shouldn't believe people are still thinking that.
  7. Just go and grab two records from your collection. One ambient, and one full of beat-heavy drillcore. And see how different the grooves look on the two records. The ambient one prolly looks a bit darker than the beat records, I'm guessing. Has to do with how the waveform looks...
  8. I see the cheese both as satire and an ode to 60's television culture. Kind of like a proto Mad Men. It takes a certain context and perspective to appreciate, I guess. The satire is mostly a mirror reflecting how silly people can be, imo. And I mean real world people. Not the fake stylised characters you often see in the media.
  9. So, now that joyrex is on rdjs mailing list again, can we go for a kickstarter which releases a digital steinvord album? The ep with the other tracks and what else might be lying around. That spanish 16 years old kid deserves a proper album release yo!
  10. From Billboard, this is data from sales in the US alone I think. Dunno quite how it works. I like how they refer to Aphex Twin as 'it' though. Could be interesting to see whether there is a prallel between syro sales and kickstarter donors. The first week of the kickstarter was spectacular as well. But besides, i do think syro deserves a larger audience than drukqs. It's easier to digest and it does remarkably well on repeat. Compared to drukqs, Listening to the entirety of drukqs is just too much for the average listener. Btw, I'm still waiting for the music video for minipops (or syro). Would be a hell of a stunt to try to redefine pop music, like in the nineties. And this time it could be even more successful. Because there's an entire album worth of music coming along with a videoclip, instead of an ep.
  11. Grumpy, you forgot to add Ultravisitor to your list of squarepusher albums. and on topic: I'm still waiting for the digital release of this fine piece of music from boshnbolt
  12. awesome avatar! on topic: syro is awesome, etc
  13. you tied someone to railing and whipped her with a jumping rope.... and what was the stopping word? you're *clearly* not some dominatrix, but you did have one, right? or do you have so much talent, you can sense the boundaries? *imagines a couple of frustrated watmmers pm-ing chaos to do the same to them* also, lol
  14. that's what she...o nevermind
  15. your social standing? here, or in real life? whatever it is, read the rules! again. and read them to junior before going to sleep as well. it helps to build the watmm character. toughens them up a little. edit: also, madamechaos is such a closeted dominatrix.. ;D
  16. I speculate that it will come at your doorstep eventually!
  17. it's called speculation. and it's fun while we still can ;D
  18. new old unheard music, like with the digital release of those analords on rephlex you mean? you know, it would be pretty obvious when the back catalogue is going to be put up for sale again, it would have some extras along with it, don't you think?
  19. Does the blimp emoticon has been made into existence already? :afxblimp:
  20. Ow lawd, that answer is totally bonkers. They found a copy machine so they can rehash any interview already published. Also, I think the fact the steinvord hasnt been mentioned in not even interview (but the tuss has) means that it's a conscious effort not to mention it. There might be a signed agreement to not talk about steinvord or something.
  21. ;D Where could I sign up for this?
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