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Everything posted by goDel

  1. goDel


    Interesting. And in combination with "Bleep Dispatch", which I hadn't seen before. It looks like they're thinking about an alternative for Bandcamp. Sort of Bandcamp, but with some extra features on the logistical side and on the marketing side of the spectrum. More like Labelcamp, perhaps?
  2. Looks awesome! ^^^^ Also, richies remark about cortex just being happy.... well, there are people who are just happy. and there's a point where things start to look like pathological idiosyncracies. cortez is on the pathological spectrum. seemingly. imoooooo. whether it should be stopped is another discussion, but healthy? no...
  3. goDel


    I think they're just doing an Underworld. Making live sets available. Only slightly more selectively perhaps. Just a couple of selected sets, with a bit of extra mastering and or editing here and there. A couple of North American sets might still follow, but there's probably some kind of cost-benefit thing behind those kinds of decisions as well. Only a happy few will buy every set made available. As for most people I assume these sets are too similar to buy them all (regardless of what some nutcase fanbois on the internet think). And only a happy few will be interested in buying those more recent sets. Namely, the people who went there. So I doubt we'll see many newer sets. They do have a catalogue number though. Which kinda says "album". Kinda. But I'd rather have the Underworld version of the story, as in that case it would be more likely that more sets will be made available.
  4. goDel


    Yes. The point that you can rearrange them in any order basically says it's bullshit to look for hidden messages or anything, IMO. I mean, the idea that they somehow are ingeniously made to fit in a specific order is nonsense. The pattern which is used allows for any order to match perfectly. There is no specific order which works better, because they all look like they fit. imoooooo
  5. goDel


    Sorry for downloading the 4 24b wavs in one zip, but it succeeded! Filesize of the zip is about 4,07GB. In case you were wondering. The artwork accompanying the wavs doesn't seem to be the right ones. Was expecting those black white things posted in the other thread, but instead just black.
  6. I don't know what "cop a drubbing" means, but I love U2. /nobono
  7. zoeb made some good points! there's a difference between critical thinking and just going for the opposite. although the last thing can be useful as well. * loves deleter, but is skeptical with respect to anything he says *
  8. if you're saying what i think you're saying: that's a micro-aggression right there! stop it!
  9. This world needs feminism inspirated emojis, btw. Thinking about the making fun of "mansplaining", "sexist alfa ego", "male gaze", "micro aggression" stuff. Also, lol
  10. I'd put money on it if it got an official release!
  11. In the end, the power is in the people themselves. If people would stop buying guns altogether, the pro-gun lobby wouldn't have as nearly as big funding as they currently have. And the road would be free to have some tighter regulation. So, if you want to live in a safer world, stop buying guns!
  12. Found this interesting article by AP about why research on gun violence is seriously underfunded http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/basic-gun-violence-research-is-seriously-underfunded_561aa218e4b0dbb8000ef5f0 In short: apparently the voices against doing research on gun violence are way louder than those in favor. And without proper research, there can't be any real efforts on making new policies to prevent gun violence.
  13. Yeah, that was from February. It got posted but I don't think it got the love it deserved. Good call to repost! I'm hoping they do a newer on as I think there were only 60-70 tracks up when they put this together. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Yes! It's also up on soundcloud with dl option!
  14. This thread should be renamed to "Watmm's official Tinder thread". Or Grinder, because it'll be mostly gay sex happening if people get a match. *swipes right*
  15. Damn. All this conspiracy foolery broke my complex algorithm for indirectly determining new tracks had been posted. Now I have to calibrate it for 911 tomfoolery. Btw, tomfoolery is not a conscious effort to tie Jenkinson into the mix. Although, after this remark, I can't say I haven't.
  16. Nice painting. Is it some conceptual piece about rapeculture with a message? Or just going for the shock value? I'm thinking about the first, where those sneakers/jeans standing in the background signify some " too young to actually understand what they are doing, but have to because of peer pressure" guys. Not sure what her hand should signify though. I like it. The composition tells a story, although not clear which one. And it makes an immediate impression. Is this part of a series?
  17. Rather odd how someone can have a disdain for the non-empirical nature of much of economics, but has his own ideas based roughly on opinion, cherry picked numbers and what I assume is hearsay. Piketty's data "apparently" has lots of flaws. Well, apparently your disdain for non-empirical conclusion only holds for others and not for yourself? What do you mean apparently? I'm sure you'd agree that such a claim needs to have some empirical basis? Sorry if I come at you as a huge dick, but at this moment I'm not even sure with who I'm dealing with here. A college student with too much time to surf the internet, and who sells himself as being smart and thinks the rest of the world is dumb? As for your other comments: How empirical is "ridiculously variegated situation that currently exists" actually? There are lots of examples where markets are being dominated by a small set of global players. Look at finance and accounting, the pharmaceutical industry, oil and energy, consumer goods. And as far as I can tell, in most of these markets the trend is that companies tend to buy eachother and create even bigger ones. (banks, pharma should be obvious markets where takeovers are rather rule instead of exception) So, I'm really wondering where this ridiculously variegated situation comes from. And to what extent it's actually at an historical high (compared to Marx's age)? So high that Marx's notion of large monolithic blocks of labor (or rather capital? let's make it about capital, so we can use piketty's work) 'apparently' no longer holds. What makes you say that? You must have some empirical proof in your pocket. And with empirical proof, I hope you mean something different than your personal experience?? And what makes you say that the cost of innovation has rapidly decreased? Or even close to zero? What? Innovation is free? I hope you're not thinking about chips/memory getting cheaper. (existing) Products getting cheaper does not imply R&D (= innovation?) getting cheaper. And typically margins on technology (iphones?) and let's say pharma are still huge. Huge because of "innovation" (R&D), for instance. I'm guessing you're confusing cheap products (because of some innovative technology) with the actual costs of developing that innovative technology (which is innovation, imo). Sure, it is getting cheaper to have your genome sequenced, and research in this area can go faster (and possibly cheaper? still no zero!), but I'm seeing no empirical proof that the relative cost of "innovation" is radically lower wrt in the days Marx wrote his book. For all I know, it might be even astronomically higher. Relatively speaking. I don't know. But even if it is different, I still don't see how the basic principles of the economy have changed.
  18. Have you read that book by Piketty? Surely that should be some proof that despite of all those advances you sum up, the underlying principles of how the economy works haven't really changed. If at all. Also, I'm interested to hear your thoughts on what the changes in the mechanics of innovation and investment have been. And what impact those changes should have on the way an economy functions. Please cure me from my ignorance, because I don't see it.
  19. that story about those lines in the sky was pretty smart and full of skepticism. *sarcastic cough* Talking about skepticism: filz, what makes you think that pic belongs to an interview? To me, it looks more like artwork for a german bootleg cd for the girl/boy cd single. And i'm not saying, or even insinuating it is btw.
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