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Everything posted by goDel

  1. been playing around a bit. couple of thoughts: - would have preferred to be able to vote for top30, loved and can't get into in the same list (a plus, a hart and a cross or something) - personally i really don't care whether my votes are hidden (except for rdj) or not. why hidden? - like the drop down menu's, but would have preferred if they would automatically disappear if my cursor/mouse is outside again. but i understand it has to work on touch-screen as well. so no biggy. - stats is good. if you can add more, looking at stats is a nice thing to do while listening to soundclouds - i was looking for a link to rdj's soundcloud on the voting page. couldn't find it. if it isn't there, would be nice to add a link to it. was looking to read through the comments over there. - this is a bit of stupid thing to say at this point in time, i know, but i can't keep myself from saying it nevertheless: i would love to have a 5 point/star system (as itunes has for example). so instead of voting for a limited number of tracks, you can grade all tracks. 1 point = can't get into/hate it - 5 points = absolutely love it , etc. if richie wants to have a top30, he could just sort the list using the number=points*users and pick the top 30. (perhaps it's better to use [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2] - with 0 being a default. so people who haven't voted wont show up in the sorting thing mentioned earlier)
  2. sigh because of the a-hole dentist shooting a lion, or kimmel getting emotional about the a-hole killing a lion? good thing about the internet, the a-hole dentist can close his practice. the f*cker was making way too much money anyways. paying 50K for hunting a lion. 50K for a frigging hobby weekend. that guy lives in a different a-hole world.
  3. You could also read a conflated "go delet..!" in my username. It's entirely up to you.
  4. Lol You want me to change my name to go to hell? ;P
  5. Is the real wages thing a per capita thing, or per household? I would have expected something happening in the 80s/90s when many women entered the workforce. If the average number of working people per household grows, I'd expect an increased real wage. But if the real wage remains relatively stable, even though the amount of working hours per household are rising, something might be off. Even if you take the added costs of childcare into account, i presume.
  6. I feel harassed Also, chenGod needs to worrie more about his real wage. Also, rdj r u gonna post them tapes real soon? Pls, m8
  7. The next mission-pod will need to carry an iphone on a selfie-stick and a direct feed into instagram to keep me interested. *unfriends new horizons *
  8. Did I just read that using quaaludes you can lose weight and shape up in 14 days?
  9. Been thinking about cramming my plane full with money bills and drop it on RDJ's porch. With an extra note on top saying: "yours if you master the entire bunch of sc-tracks and release them digitally". He's still in the music for cash business, right?
  10. * faints and automatically falls into spoon position behind the fainted lady above * *snuggles with consent* /nocosby
  11. Wow, was that a bill for treating a snake bite? Looks more like a bill for a terminal cancer patient.
  12. Oooo Louis. Jerking off in front of women. Tsk tsk. Wouldn't be surprised if it was true. I'll hold my breath judging, but it's a conscious effort.
  13. Good point. This thread is now about how much people love to have sex with 'murica!
  14. goDel


    LOL @ synthesizer tour =D new EP sounds good btw. hope digitals will be available through the regular vendors..... o lazy meeeeee
  15. Next album will be called: "aXel Foley's party on Aphex Acid"
  16. Jeez, I'll be dreaming about horror rabbits with nine inch nails tonight! thanks a bunch
  17. hmmm, to give an answer to countries thankful to america... let me think...that thing with world war 2..... perhaps some countries in europe would be thankful?
  18. since when does a city have protected borders? edit: first the argument: US is different because culture. than research shows: no, there's a strong relation between gun ownership and violence across all western nations. second argument: but chicago... so research shows that across nations and states there's a strong relation, but a single city is a counterargument?
  19. Culture? http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hicrc/firearms-research/guns-and-death/ edit: Also, look at the red text. Look very good and try to understand what it means...
  20. Always good to post this again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lL8JEEt2RxI
  21. bleeding heart liberal thing? balanced view of reality? come on... where did you loose your sense of reality? what happened?
  22. Gun control is a no, but at least they're considering to take down the confederate flag. /sarcasm
  23. as if that's an explanation. who holds that much cash, is my point. I get uncomfortable being in possession of more than $200 in notes, let alone thousands. you're practically asking to be ripped off (lol that it's the po-po doing it in this case - Protect and Snatch Yo Billz). get a bank account like a normal person. Yeah, use those institutions that create worldwide instability and inequity...like a normal person. Before you critisize "those institutions" it might be useful to consider "those institutions" is not some homogeneous group of things, but instead pretty heterogeneous. There's a pretty big difference between banks which focus on storing cash for individuals and investment banks, for instance. Goldman Sachs and the late Lehman Brothers were typically investment banks which focussed their activities on those things which crashed the financial system. Activities like providing bank accounts for individuals are of a completely different order and had little or nothing to do with the financial crash. And although there are banks which did both (play investment banker and play safehaven for private cash), these activities were pretty much separated. Asking a bank to store cash is completely different from asking a bank to invest your money to optimise the return on investment. The first is pretty boring old scholl banking, the latter is the risky sexy stuff which is used to pay those huge bonusses.
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