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Everything posted by goDel

  1. Yes, support is key and it looks like you're in a safe position. I hope I didn't gave off too strong a warning to not use prescribed drugs, or anything. I just wanted to make sure you understood the opportunity you were given by waking up like a mess like that. And thankfully it looks like you do. Good luck on your journey. I have to admit I'm a bit allergic to prescribed psychopharmaca because of my 6years old nephew who's already on ADHD medication. Which is just madness. But the teachers are OK with it, because he's more silent in class and the doctors can only give therapy if they also prescribe drugs. And his parents are OK as well, because the ADHD diagnosis comes with a bit of budget which can pay for the extra care. Completely stupid. His hope is being diagnosed with dyslexia, btw. He can go to a different class en get more personal care in class. And he can get off the medication. There are numerous cases here where the effect of more personal coaching in class helped wonders. But pills seem less expensive than coaching...in the short run. o these personal grapes
  2. Thanks for the story Kyo. When I read something like this, I think it's awkward that doctors go so fast for prescribing drugs. Because the way I read it, you waking up crying might have been exactly what you needed. To me it reads like a sign that your past is finally catching up to you and you are getting ready to emotionally deal with it. Growing up with a clinically depressed mother is a lot to cope with as a kid. There might be a huge hidden sense of loss down there, which comes free when realising that because of her condition you didn't get your needs met as a kid. IMO, the only thing those pills do is covering up exactly those emotions you need to deal with. I'm not sure whether you see it this way, but waking up crying can be a good thing. Underneath is a (emotional) realisation. Conscious or subconscious.
  3. Exactly! Thanks to the fast response of mr J, watmm is this years prom queen.
  4. So, how about upping the promotion factor? It's only the second day and we're already way ahead of schedule. If this gets the right promotion, Joyrex can buy himself a new house and pay bandwidth costs for watmm for the rest of our lives. :D
  5. it looks like we already have. and clones bringing their own money no less! ;D
  6. Read the first post. It has been edited to say that it is now unlimited. We could pay the NSA to track everyone signing up for the kickstarter and then sending a drone to those playing the digital version without being part of the kickstart. If we're smart, we pay them to track the internet for the next hundred years, so we're pretty sure these tunes won't last long after this lucky generation. ;D
  7. Perhaps Grant and Rich pay the other half of the 13,5k just to be able to get a digital copy as well? (I seriously doubt it)
  8. Aside from this, there are studies on the effects of peripheral vs. fovial vision on activity in specific brain regions (related to how the eyes are used in zazen) - basically, focused viewing in a small area for prolonged times (like computer usage) correlates with anxiety and depression, which is the complete opposite of the neutral, wide view of open-eye meditation practice (not mentioning the fact that after an initial period of sitting practice, zazen can be carried out in activity). And I haven't even brought up on the effects of abdomen-focused breathing on the enteric nervous system, relationships between posture and brain activity/chemistry, etc. There's a lot of stuff out there. Interesting stuff, chim! In a way I think this idea could be generalised to a broader perspective. Apart from vision, this would count for the entire experience. Perhaps this directly points back to the Zen thing, but I think I can keep things at a far less spiritual level. Thing is, that apart from looking at a computer screen all day, nowadays almost anything has some kind of focus such that the broader picture doesn't get enough attention. The short term decision making in businesses and politics, for instance. This is not just about vision, but also about the experience of time in general, to name another dimension. Many things are dealt with in a much shorter timespan than they used to. So, to what extent do people still have a peripheral perspective on time nowadays? And were there times where people had a better perspective on their peripheral context? It's not that everyone has too much focus, but on average it might be the case. I dunno. Those Sapolsky lectures are awesome, btw. Definitely stuff to broaden the perspective. ;D
  9. And that was statistical variance, btw. The difference in clinical outcome was different (of a lesser order). (people often forget the difference between statistical significance and clinical significance). The clinical difference between placebos with side-effects and antidepressants was clinically insignificant. The (statistical) 24% difference was found in the comparison with placebos without side effects. The statistical difference evaporated when compared with placebos with the same side-effects. Apparently, the belief that something is working is very important. Also note the amount of psychopharmaceutical drugs which big pharma has in the pipeline: ZERO. Despite the huge sums of money involved, there's nothing of any possible value. Reason is also due to that well researched meta-analysis. One of the outcomes of that meta-analysis was the difference between comparing antidepressants with placebo's without side-effects and with side effects. So, from that meta-analysis on, companies have to prove their medicines work better than placebos with similar side-effects. No luck thus far. Take from this what you want, btw. If those pills help you, by all means, keep on using them etc. I'm not giving medical advice here.
  10. hmmm i didn't see him. maybe it's because i have little eyes. thanks for drawing attention them. *cries teeny tiny tears* I can see only one BCM in plaid. Where's the other one? And Y NO strutting BCM? Also, kokoon's boc brings a BOC-theme to my mind.
  11. So, does he have a twitter feed as well?
  12. And face his Floodbook while doing so.
  13. My new WATMM nick will be: Justin Kidley. brilliant!
  14. i have nothing to do with it! just so you know
  15. And also, yes. Again. Plus digital. X
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