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Everything posted by goDel

  1. uhhhh, was that a nintendo controller in the background?
  2. I really don't understand why this wasn't released back then. Would have been an instant classic.
  3. Haven't noticed any typical vinyl sounds yet. No clicks or pops yet. Only typically vinyl aspect is the mastering. Uncompressed, almost silent. (read: dynamic!) o, yes some clicks at the start of Airflow. No biggies though. Just says that the vinyl was actually the source, i guess.
  4. Fingertrips is bliss! dem melodies..oooo would work well on 45rpm too, i'm guessing 45 fingertrips per minute
  5. So Richy dug up the tracknames from his archives eh... I'm sure those names were attached to something reSOURCEful? ;-) np ...mumblyyyyy
  6. Something tells me these people cant take orders... ;D Also, that's a rather small list of stuff they have on stock :O
  7. Damn this. I'll be going on a hiking trip next Tuesday and be away for a while. I hate to miss the magic moment. Fucksakes... :S Please drop those links asap... *drinks piss*
  9. they're encoding the tracks using the old fashioned pen-paper technique. I'm sure RDJ is used to doing inversed n-th degree fourier transform calculations in his head by now. and a mistake here and there only adds character to the already distorted tracks.. 1337
  10. The Glasgow set from the Untilted tour! Kickstart that mofo! There is a soundboard from Untilted already. That's what created the Quaristice enforcement policies. It's obviously not lossless or anything but it proved Sean and Rob's point that what's written for the live format doesn't translate well for the home. The Untilted soundboard is great fun but it's tinny and anemic compared to even the worst room bootleg. They are so fucking future that they wrote music whose final mastering depended not on a DSP suite or hardware but on the room itself Ok, make it a digital release with a shoebox sized replica of the venue so you could rebuild/simulate the original conditions.
  11. maybe Joyrex could reach out to them to see if they'd be into releasing the Quaristice or Overstep soundboard tour recordings based on a kickstarter goal that. is genius. The Glasgow set from the Untilted tour! Kickstart that mofo!
  12. lol the bias was so strong, I thought the guy in the big boss spot was BCM anyways.
  13. I enjoy reading horoscopes. Not because of some unproven scientific validity behind it. Because I really don't believe astrology has any scientific validity whatsoever. Not at this point, or anywhere in the future. I enjoy horoscopes because they can present a different frame on things in life. And looking at life from different perspectives can always be helpful. Whether they are scientifically legitimate or not, it doesn't matter. If it can change my beliefs in a positive way, it can have a positive impact on my life. Because there's at least one aspect behind human behavior which has been proven scientifically since always, and that is that belief changes behavior. Take research by Dan Ariely for instance. It's basically always about using a form of priming to see what the effect is on human behavior. So, in this sense you might argue that astrology uses scientifically proven instruments to change peoples behaviors. And reading a horoscope is not much more than an example of priming. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priming_(psychology) Again, I don't believe in the pseudo science aspect behind it. But, imo, that's not the point of astrology. Regardless of a couple of fruitcakes believing it is. Astrology is not science. Although I could believe that your first experiences in life can change your outlook on life. So if your first experiences have been in a cold dark winter, your outlook could be different to someone whose first experiences were a bright hot summer. And because that's seasonal, there might be some seasonal correlation on personality. This has nothing to do with constellations though.
  14. Wait, which Marco Passarani track was that? Was it a Marco track? Or was it a "if you like that, you should listen to this" kind of thing?
  15. sounds awesome. would def love it if that was on cat023. also, the second half of this mix is pretty awesome as well.
  16. A slapped arse looks more reddish though. Your face is more like baby fluffy white in this awesome pic!
  17. Fixt. Also, awesome track!
  18. Noise! Also, what about dat stressful Exai album? Stressful? Exai? What?
  19. Not the states. Netherlands. On a sidenote, some recent study about the effects of antidepressents on kids (up to 24): "Double risk of suicide" https://archinte.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=1863925 Quite a cynical outcome for a treatment against depression.
  20. Wow ....really digging the " i'd like to crawl back into my mothers womb and cry uncontrollably" styled dance. Where can i learn to dance like that?
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