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Everything posted by goDel

  1. if there was, we'd be talking about it non stop... ergo...no
  2. digging B2. luvvly stuffs :D edit: o my B3 mmmmmmmm B side is my fav
  3. interesting to see how trump and the climate agreement is being discussed in india (in english). considering taking trump seriously in any way seems like a joke to them. ;-p
  4. and something about emails all way more important than climate. yep. some silver linings though. this helps to grow the collective sense of urgency and political will to actually do something. outside the us, but also inside (states, cities). the biggest problem is appearance/symbolic. he/this looks so f-ing stupid. also lol at macron inviting scientists, entrepreneurs, people to come to france. he's going to be the anti-trump for the coming years. had my hopes up for trudeau. but he's too civilised. which is a good thing actually. macron is secretly prob closer to trump in terms of personality. which makes it way more fun to watch them do handshake battles. ;D
  5. Comey is on the agenda for next weeks hearing...
  6. America is all about freedom of: - stupidity - covfefe - blake - blake - blake - blake - blake
  7. hmmmmwa, i'd argue eu/merkel can't rely on trump, but actually can rely on the us. it's just that the administration under trump is a complete chaos. when it comes to climate change it's probably better to do business on a state level instead of the federal level. regardless though, this message is first and foremost a political message. and one that had to be made. the bullshit excuse of trump having to think another week about the climate deal is really sad (!). like he cant tell them to their faces he's an idiot (but will prob send them a tweet later he'll drop out of the agreement).
  8. Liking some of the the breakdown videos popping up at the tube. that was hugely missing in the early nineties. example must admit i didnt even recognise major briggs watching the actual episode. :S
  9. after having seen ep4, i have to admit there are a couple of times where i just had to skip the scenes of cooper endlessly staring into the distance like an idiot. i want the old cooper back. the one with a brain. not the zombie. and i'm not really interested to monitor the hints of him slowly recovering. which is already taking place (or the acting is just inconsistent - which i dont think is the case -feels intended). this annoyance is strangely a good thing, btw. as it says there's an actual story which i'd like to see develop. i do think the acting is all over the place though. couple of scenes where i get the impression actors are just throwing the script out there without knowing what they're talking about. feels like watching a learning process of the cast on how to deal with a lynchian script. might be purposefully done, because the irony is that it can have the effect that every character can turn into a zombie. example: first scenes with albert (fbi). these were horrible. apart from the driving scene where he's in the backseat with lynch-fbi. the moment he had his ..eh..microaggression fallout with lynch was a hint of the old albert character, imo. (sharp mind, very present, easily annoyed)
  10. agree. "You better hurry up, my Mother is coming" that gave me strong eraserhead vibes also feel he used a lot of ideas he had for the "should have been mulholland drive" series. and the weirdness is sometimes almost overwhelming. most of the dialogues are painfully awkward and uncomfortable. to the point where i wonder whether mark frost was even in the room when writing the scripts. if there even were any (thinking about inland empire). has been a while since i've seen such weirdness. feels good. although not sure whether i can keep up doing 18 episodes of lynch dreamsequences. but in the end this thing feels like his magnum opus. it's basically everything he has ever done, or would have wanted to do, rolled up in a tv series. i'd love to see the showtimes executives faces when seeing this for the first time. wtf galore.. :)
  11. could be a low five ;-p cooler than cool low five
  12. That's close to the official story coming from the white house, apart from the strike three thing. There should be no need to explain why you shouldnt take info coming from the wh for granted. Ironically, the fact you have to add the strike three thing already implies the official reason is hardly convincing on its own. This wh has the integrity of a bunch of drunken frat boys.
  13. If you're going to use lube, use the one with the orange/blue label. If you can trigger people by using certain colors, by all means do! =D
  14. Which is a good thing, I'd argue. As it effectively kills the argument that racism is a thing of the past. Which it clearly isn't. But if people only implicitly show their racist beliefs in public, it becomes a tough sell. Now that it's more explicit, it's easier to deal with. Or, to put it in even stranger terms: it's a good thing people are feeling free to be blatantly racist in public. (because "the sun is the best disinfectant") also: RIP pepe
  15. no worries. i just don't expect much of it. thats all. will def check it out, but expect it to be some kind of revamped x-files kind of experience.
  16. I'm on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. Underwhelmed. Looks like it's turning out to be a Twin Peaks for the elderly.
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