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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. What often helps me fight the darkness is getting a new perspective on the world. Like aimlessly driving around and admiring the beauty of places I've never seen before. Or just walking aimlessly. Or doing something completely uncharacterist like seeing a low-profile show at a coffee shop on an off-night. Essentially anything besides staying home staring at the internet. "Pattern breaking", I think they call it.
  2. Oh god. I'm on seroquel. I've scaled back to 25mg. At one point I was on 400mg/day, and I slept about 14hrs/day and I'd wake up and just be useless. Stuff is evil at higher doses.
  3. Depression sucks. Just keep in mind that there is a happy exiciting life waiting for you on the other side of the it.
  4. There's a jam band around here called Nippin' the Nub.
  5. what about a band called: TUG TUG SQUIRT
  6. I'm currently savoring the season 2 cliffhanger of Wings.
  7. WATMM should instegate a Kickstarter to get BT to sing about his feelings over Steinvord's entire catalog.
  8. Digg Stunkminkel & the Twinkly Princesses The Glob Morgenstank Jazz Brunch Trio Worm Henderson & The Sex Crimes Stalg Lizkenfrazzle & The Tattoo Removal Consultations
  9. Hey guys, I have a theory: I think Steinvord is actually Richard D. James. (No but seriously, it's ****ing him)
  10. Sorry to sound like a broken record, but i'm seriously blow away by all this stuff.
  11. I learned alot from Joe Morello's videos. Kick technique, for instance. Most drummers just bury the beater into the head. It sounds so much better to play actual legato strokes. It's like playing a timpani, and just pushing the mallet into the head.
  12. am I the only one who likes literally everything AE has ever done?
  13. Now I should probably qualify that satement by saying that I'm a huge Squarepusher fan and I love 99.9% of his stuff. Of course there is some lovely drumming on Ultravisitor and Just a Souvenir. I just remember that Budakhan Mindphone was the first SP I ever heard, and the extreme Portastudio-ish looseness prevented me from initally liking him. That's all. "Iambic 9 Poetry" is lovely, of course.
  14. Hmmm To me he sounds like the quintessential non-drummer. Like Robert Pollard on adderol with a piccolo snare.
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