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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. One hit should do you (Unless you ask one of the heavyweights like Adieau...) I mean, prepare to "kiss this guy" in the words of the great Jimi Hendrix "AHHHHHHH" -Marilyn Manson
  2. Weed strains have amazing names It's like if stoners named racehorses I flipped through a friend's seed catalogue once And it hilarious Err, wish I could remember even one to cap this post with... *Fails* But yeah it was strange to lose the paranoia And return to the "floating through space to OK Computer" vibe That weed had in high school Actually, shedding my neurotic tendencies has made everything feel all teenager-y again (the good shit, without the drama) I can get stoned and then go out and do anything So strange... Have you tried any (other) natural stuff for pain? I know there's a few things that've done well in studies I'm trying to think which ones... Soma? Kava kava? I forget know which does what, though Sent from my pee-pee using poo-poo
  3. I was a mega-stoner in high school and beyond Quit smoking for a good 5-7 years (Just made me paranoid and anxious) Took it up 6 months ago with my new less-neurotic brain I don't bug out at all And it really helps generate ideas Lately I haven't been smoking I think because I'm blissed-out on ideas and being in the moment and late-era Coltrane (his Final Concert is possibly the most punk thing I've ever heard, especially "my favorite things") But I still don't know how to roll a joint And I don't know anything about types of weed and all that Sent from my pee-pee using poo-poo
  4. Fuck I just read that (mentally) in Bill Cosby's voice Sent from my pee-pee using poo-poo
  5. Just stepped in a giant pile of dogshit (looked more like yetti shit tbh) it was right in the middle of the fucking sidewalk sociopathic imo
  6. society lets me internet, so yes things have gotten out of hand...
  7. Some guitars you can restring (For example, my nylon string is restrung backward But it's perfectly symmetrical) But very often you gotta replace the bridge and the nut You run into intonation problems with fixed bridges Or the volume/tone knobs are right where your palm rests Or the strap knob is on the wrong side (so you gotta either sit down or drill a new knob) Or the cutaway's on the wrong side... Sent from my pee-pee using poo-poo
  8. Thanks, I'm mega-excited Although (FWP:) being left-handed sucks when buying instruments...choices are very limited and prices are a bit higher I wanted to buy a 60's Gibson archtop (e.g. ES-125) but they are impossible to find left-handed examples of (even in the Internet age) With this new versatile, fully-functional guitar I'm gonna put together a jazz trio (or quartet) and an experimental chamber combo and start gigging again Life is good Sent from my pee-pee using poo-poo
  9. I am dipping into my savings and buying my first really nice guitar, and I've never been more excited about an instrument. Also, one of my favorite guitarists Julian Lage started giving Skype lessons and I sent him a message to set up a lesson or two. Life has been pretty rad lately. Sent from my pee-pee using poo-poo
  10. A great article about the psychological underpinnings of conservatives vs liberals: https://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/200701/the-ideological-animal Sent from my pee-pee using poo-poo
  11. http://www.salon.com/2015/12/11/welcome_to_trumpland_maine_what_this_small_city_tells_us_about_the_new_politics_of_fear/ (I keep forgetting that Maine isn't the leftist utopia that my neck of Portland is) Sent from my pee-pee using poo-poo
  12. Two items for the morning: 1) fucking genius: https://youtube.com/watch?v=d1tC2KmlEhk 2) http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/eighty-children-get-chickenpox-at-brunswick-north-west-primary-a-school-that-calls-for-tolerance-of-vaccine-dodgers-20151209-gljzkx.html Sent from my pee-pee using poo-poo
  13. This, to me, really just sums up America: http://www.rawstory.com/2015/12/michigan-woman-pouts-after-losing-gun-permit-for-shooting-at-shoplifters-i-will-never-help-anybody-again/ Sent from my pee-pee using poo-poo
  14. Friendswholiketrump.com (Or you can just do it manually by putting "my friends who like Donald J. Trump" in the FB search bar) Sent from my pee-pee using poo-poo Edit: I don't know how to hyperlink in tapatalk Sent from my pee-pee using poo-poo
  15. LimpyLoo


    That's pretty conclusive imo Sent from my Mind using Black Magic
  16. Can't remember the last time you contributed anything other than pissy backhanded snark Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. Is anybody else starting to get that 'corrupt police state' kinda vibe from America? I mean hell, even coroners are covering for cops... http://www.localmemphis.com/news/local-news/autopsy-results-in-for-troy-goode Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. I forgot how the dude from Linkin Park replaced Scott Weiland a few years ago... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. Now that you mention it, I totally agree about the 3rd album (I've heard the 4th and 5th but I didn't really give them their day in court) Core definitely sounds dated But hey, so does a lot of great music (E.g. Any great music that came out of 80's Detroit acid house, 60's psych and garage rock, 70's stoner joyride rock, 90's breakcore, etc) Great albums can have their year stamped on their forehead And still be great Hell, even Buster Keaton movies are dated in a certain sense Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. Purple and Tiny Music are two of my favorite albums from that era. His crooner singer parody on the Purple hidden track is nothing short of astonishing. RIP. I used to catch a lot of flack from my friends for liking them (Kinda like admitting you like ABBA at a Sabbath show) I think the first 2 albums are fucking genius The stuff is really the opposite of the 'generic grunge-by-numbers' or 'poor man's Pearl Jam' reputation they ended up with Once all the bias and cultural myopia has died off, history will smile upon those first two albums Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. I have a prediction: Philosophy will become massively important to society in 10-15 years As we enter the age of automated cars, gene manipulation, solving aging and perhaps ultimately (natural) death We will see the need to apply humanity's philosophical knowledge to more and more How should we program automated cars to act, when (say) faced with the choice of smashing into a crowd of people OR driving off the road and probably killing the driver? In short: should your car kill you to save 20 people? Would you buy such a car? Would you want OTHER people to buy such a car, knowing that you could be among those 20? When we are faced with these dilemmas, we will then see the importance of all these cheeky little thought experiments that philosophers like to putz around with, like the Trolly Problem. (And anyone wishing to weigh in will need be fluent in these thought experiments? Another name proposed for thought experiments was "intuition pumps" Which is much better name People hear the term "thought experiment" and they immediately think of college stoners discussing the Matrix or whatever Whereas in reality, thought experiments are literally the ONLY tool for learning about certain of our intuitions, our values, our cognitive shortcomings, our misperceptions, etc Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  22. Fair enough But then how will we know if/when we create a machine that's conscious? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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