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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. The Sandy Hook school changed its security protocol days before the attack. How do you explain that! This is incontrovertible evidence Wake up and smell the nanothermite, sheeple! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. https://youtube.com/watch?v=pCGCw_xhbGE Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. How we feeling about Sandy Hook in this thread? Kurt Cobain's suicide? Elliott Smith? Conspiracy theories are like delicious sweets: you can't stop at just one. Pretty soon you're looking at Kurt Cobain's toxicology report... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. Hey man. Just in case you were unaware, there appears to be a problem with the enter key on your iPad. Thanks, m9 Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. JE, my friend I don't know what happened on 9/11 But I do know what 'p-hacking' is And the fact that Truthers are so confident about their hypotheses (Including you) Shows that they (i.e. you) don't think about these sorts of things Which is....bad I want to meet a Truther that says 'I'm not sure what happened...but this looks suspicious' Because otherwise I just don't trust their judgement /rational skeptic naïveté Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. Standards, for me, really set the bar high for what music can be Of course MNLWND and TNT are true classics And Beacons of Ancestorship (or whatever it's called) is an understated, brilliant work And IAAY is...well, I go back and forth on that one (The opener is amazing though) Anyway, glad Tortoise is back in business They are truly one of a kind Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. I love Tortoise They're one of the few who meld rigorous composition and electronic music And the energy of live players Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. LimpyLoo

    Now Reading

    William Gibson - Virtual Light Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Listed to TH last night in the car on the way to Portsmouth Perfect album Just some truly transcendent shit Whenever I hear it I'm always surprised at how good it is Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. I can vividly imagine it among one of their 10-hour mixes (Actually, 20 hours is a long time Bound to be some NWA in there somewhere Especially given their affinity for classic hip-hop) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. What the heck does 'nwae' mean? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. If you rearrange the letters in "joyrex" you get "nwo shill" Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. Chunky was right about everything Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. What does 'nwae' mean? Is that like a collaboration between NWA and Autechre? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. Anybody have a Delet-to-English translation dictionary lying around? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. 1) I love you back and you know it 2) I don't have any demons, just a couple minor annoyances here and there...I'm happier than I've ever been in my life 3) it'd be nice if in the U.S. If there was widespread disillusionment (something like the immediate post-war world felt) with cultural icons and movie stars and the like, resulting in a sort-of Enlightenment 2: Electric Boogaloo... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. Alien vs Predator vs Mr Bean Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. (P.s. Tapatalk turns 'quote' into '/quote' on the outer-most quoted text) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. You're the one that literally thinks 9/11 was an inside job, right? Funny you should mention JonBenet Ramsey I have a weird obsession with early-to-mid 90's high-profile cases like that As that was the formative time when I was starting to pay attention to the world I think why people are fascinated by such things Is because the empirical truth is undoubtedly very simple (the parents did it, or an intruder did it, or whatever) And all we have to figure it out are these little mysterious fragments That point to multiple possibilities And despite the usual 'media spectacle' criticisms I think the fact that people really really wanna know what happened Bodes well for what it means to be human (namely, that we are curious and scientifically-minded) I feel this way about the 9/11 truth movement as well Although I disagree with the conclusion I think it's coming from a good place And I'm not 'touchy' per se I'm just a little OCD about scientific rigor (Methodology is already sloppy enough within mainstream academia, Let alone in 'folk science' circles) I feel the same way when the Bible is presented as unimpeachable eye-witness testimony And that the best possible interpretation is that all these things *actually* happened exactly as presented I get 'touchy' because it's bad scientific methodology And it's very common And I've literally never once seen someone say "I think the U.S. Gov't was involved in 9/11, but I'm not sure, I might be wrong" So yes whenever a conclusion is stronger than the evidence behind it I get 'touchy' Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. If you're pointing me towards evidence, you missed my point Again, back to Lincoln and Kennedy...."what are the chances that they had all this stuff in common by coincidence?!?" (Links to evidence that Lincoln and Kennedy were supernaturally linked) That is the essence of 'p-hacking'....if you sift through the data looking for connections, you are 100% guaranteed to find them If you are being critical, you need to look at your 'evidence' ans ask "how often would this be explained by the null hypothesis?" I remember JE talking about some building or other taking out insurance shortly before 9/11... this is exactly the sort of 'evidence' you will find if you go looking for it It is exactly the same as sifting through Lincoln and Kennedy's lives, looking for connections "Seek and ye shall find" as they say i get the point, you're a fantasist ... evidence is no object when one has belief on their side. I linked you to evidence that Lincoln and Kennedy were cosmic dopplegangers But your dogma prevents you from seeing the truth I'm just saying that a rigorous mind would ask how often the nul hypothesis would produce this data (i.e. How often would things look suspicious when they weren't suspicious) The answer? 100% of the time This is why there is 'evidence' for every conspiracy theory under the sun You will always be able to find suspicious details If your hypothesis is that the Oregon shooting was a false flag or a hoax You will find evidence for it whether it's true or not You will find that the shooter's father had a government job Or that the college recently changed its security protocols Or that some shady politician recently spoke there Or that the victims' parents are acting strange Or that Oregon had unsuccessfully been trying to push gun control laws I'm just saying that this sort of stuff is not good evidence Because you will find it no matter what And this is the sort of evidence that truthers offer as the silver bullet knock-down evidence of all time So yeah, I'm not convinced
  21. If you're pointing me towards evidence, you missed my point Again, back to Lincoln and Kennedy...."what are the chances that they had all this stuff in common by coincidence?!?" (Links to evidence that Lincoln and Kennedy were supernaturally linked) That is the essence of 'p-hacking'....if you sift through the data looking for connections, you are 100% guaranteed to find them If you are being critical, you need to look at your 'evidence' ans ask "how often would this be explained by the null hypothesis?" I remember JE talking about some building or other taking out insurance shortly before 9/11... this is exactly the sort of 'evidence' you will find if you go looking for it It is exactly the same as sifting through Lincoln and Kennedy's lives, looking for connections "Seek and ye shall find" as they say
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