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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. (For reference: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophical_zombie ) The problem with the p-zombie argument (i.e. that you could have two physically identical people, one conscious and one not) is that if consciousness is an emergent property of (say) a sufficient level of computational complexity (or some other 'sufficient complexity') then you *couldn't* have two identical people where one is conscious and one isn't: the 'non-conscious person' would also be conscious by virtue of having identical 'sufficient complexity' as the 'conscious person.'
  2. The trippiest thought experiment I've ever encountered was the one about getting all the people in the world and having each person perform the duties of a neuron (or group of neurons, or higher-level 'module') to whatever degree of detail is required to produce consciousness.
  3. This is the point of the P-zombie debate: You can design robots to 'recognize' their own reflection...having certain pattern recognition capabilities doesn't necessarily mean you're conscious (p.s. I take it as a probabilistic likelihood that cats, dogs, elephants, dolphins, etc are conscious...the problem for me comes when talking about "proof")
  4. In 2015, unarmed black people get mowed down by cops White dude shoots 5 cops and gets 'taken into custody' because of course Right-wing people (of which I deem JE an honorary member for his highly-immoral attitudes about blasphemy revenge killings) are turning my views more and more radical each day All of my relatives are republicans, not to mention most of Maine Bah
  5. 1) animals being awesome isn't proof that they're conscious. (P-zombies and all that jazz) 2) http://io9.com/5937356/prominent-scientists-sign-declaration-that-animals-have-conscious-awareness-just-like-us 3) determing whether a being (other than yourself) is conscious *might* be impossible (again, see the "P-zombie" literature for the state of the debate)...it may well be that the best we can do is amass 'circumstantial evidence* (e.g. find evidence of factors that correlate to consciousness in humans): the simple fact is, you can't directly observe someone else's consciousness 4) there is a recent theory being kicked around called the Information Integration Theory (IIT) that purports to measure consciousness...but again, not directly
  6. It's been on my 'To Do' list for 20 years P.S. Growth Mindset, delet, Growth Mindset (bin your Static Mindset tendencies, my friend...as the saying goes:"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.")
  7. I can't swim I almost drowned at my first swimming lesson So i never learned
  8. (Right-wing) Libertarians are fucking aliens Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. That's an awesome idea (what kinda plans you got for the tempest?)
  10. Wonder if CGI will ever get the mouth right CGI mouths have always sucked (Haha sexual) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Lol I love watmm so much It's like a gladiator pit full of people with undiagnosed autism Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. The Holocaust was a false flag operation perpetrated by the Jews themselves. (That reminds me: Does anybody know what Chunky's thoughts were on the Holocaust? My new passion is hearing Holocaust denial theories...) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. There were traces of nanothermite found in all of the gas chambers... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlBA2zp992c (the comments, too)
  15. I hate drunk driving with a deep, Spanish gypsy-style passion I know so many people who do it, and who are completely blasé about it Month ago a drunk dude smashed into a rock my girlfriend was sitting on (Then he "parked" his car and fell asleep...no joke) It's really a joke to a lot of people And it's really one of those 'banality of evil' things Knew a guy with like 4 DUI's He would sorta laugh about it Then one day he drifted into oncoming traffic Killed a teenager No jail time or anything But he did become this empty husk of a person Just vacant in the eyes There was this Freakonomics podcast About the best way to get away with murder (Or the least costly as far as time, money, jail time, etc) Anyway, the conclusion was clearly 'hit them with your car' This is one of society's blind spots (so to speak) And I'll be glad when things change Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. Mmm...bildeberger Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. Arthur Conan Doyle literally believed in fairies Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. you've probably already met a lot of people like this, and why don't you just use your own judgement instead of being so reactionary about what truthers believe? If you don't think the fact that Bush administration wanted zero investigation of 9/11 is suspicious, that's your prerogative. You've hit on my exact point: The fact that it looks suspicious tells you nothing You would expect certain things to look suspicious even when nothing is in fact suspicious Again, I implore you to read up on 'p-values' The whole idea is that the null hypothesis (e.g. Sandy Hoax was NOT a hoax) will ALWAYS produce suspicious-looking evidence (e.g. security protocol changed days before shooting) You literally proved my point about not understanding 'p-values' Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. Timothy-- How do you explain Sandy Hook changing its security protocol immediately before the attack? Isn't the only reasonable conclusion that Sandy Hook was a false flag? (The same with the buildings taking out insurance immediately before 9/11) I mean right? How else could one one explain these things? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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