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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. That is exactly what I did last night too. No joke.
  2. Apparently, he's having second thoughts about being in the new Star Wars trilogy as well. aka "you'll have to pay me more money to be in your shitty movie"
  3. My father feeds my little sister absolute fucking garbage and then yells at her when she spazzes out. Of course she's spazzing out, you just fed her 60 grams of sugar you fucking idiot. I'm not a violent person at all but if she's overweight or has ADHD or whatever when she's a bit older I will just punch him in the face, plain and simple. Ignorance is fine unless it encroaches on the well-being of another person, especially someone under your care. Then it's not fine. /self-righteous rant
  4. Nice indeed! If I wasn't such a slob I would try to make my place look like that...
  5. https://linpadual.bandcamp.com/
  6. The second machine looks like a vinyl cutter. The rest is a console an three tape machines (or two tape machines and some mystery thing).
  7. holy tape machines
  8. i've been putting off a root canal for a few months and tonight it feels like my mouth is gonna fall off *in Charlie Sheen voice* "Whinging!"
  9. Oh my god this sleep thing is contagious. I got 3 hours of sleep too and I feel like I'm dying. #NotButchAboutLife
  10. WTF man how dare you continue to live your life despite my problems so rude please sit and put your hands on your lap until everything in my life is fixed
  11. I'm very sorry. One positive thing I can say - if you're wondering why, you're probably not at great risk. Congratulations! You don't innately understand suicide. Happy to hear about the MPC, too! Good job learning that... Yeah I'm mostly happy and I think life is beautiful but I do have bipolar so [bummer alert] /total bummer Yeah, my friend gave me like a two-hour tutorial on the MPC. So I'll be pumping out choons in no time. I really like the workflow and the functionality. Goodbye DAWs!
  12. Learned how to use my new MPC4000! (Which is amazing considering how lazy and depressed I am)
  13. Oh cheers mate. That means alot. Guess there's no better time nor reason to make some art, innit?
  14. errr 6 days ago my aunt killed herself. And I just can't imagine what was so painful. I hate mysteries. They just pick away at me. Like who took the knobs off my friend's jaguar bass in my practice room. The medical examiner is yet to release the note she left but I have a feeling that it's gonna be like Love Liza and not really answer any questions. Everyone in my family just fucking self-destructs. I know I have the genes but I think I'm doing pretty well with it at the moment. /bummer fwp: I'm too lazy to do anything today. I've got a fresh new analog synth and a newly-learned-how-to-use MPC4000 staring at me accusingly all like "and the cats in the cradle and the silver spoon..."
  15. fwp: J Alfred Prufrock measured out his life with coffee spoons...or tea spoons, I forget. I measure out my life in 4-day increments when Malwarebytes reminds me to update the database.
  16. fwp: I'm going through one of those phases where I wanna sleep with every (attractive, age-appropriate) girl I see.
  17. FWP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=F8tZYcLwWuM#t=39
  18. thanks mate i feel like a million bucks like James Dean holding a flamethrower
  19. Disregard all my previous whinging because... *snare rushl* I fixed my Tascam 388 tonight! After 3 months of diagnostic frustration, turns out one of the transistor boards was just loose. (I'm so happy that I need to post a silly internet meme)
  20. but you've got a computer ;) Yeah but it's absolute misery lugging a desktop back and forth, and obviously I can't setup my drums in my apartment. I'm trying to move away from my computer besides... Wow, I can't believe how much this is affecting me. But I guess it kinda makes sense since I've basically devoted my life to music since I was 11...
  21. I almost broke down in tears and threw a little 4-track against a wall today because every piece of recording gear I have is broken. I'm severely depressed about this.
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