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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. Actually the photo I posted is of the back of my head. From the front I look spot-on like Mr. Bean.
  2. yeah it's me I'm covered in moles and acne and my nose is slightly crooked and I'm cursed with unruly hair that I have no control over What did you imagine I looked like, Stephen?
  3. hey y'all how do you upload and post pictures? I seem to have forgotten...
  4. is he still clinically depressed though? I hope you didn't think i was suggesting that, I'm just mostly surprised that the man seems to joyless and dry in an OFFICIAL 'discussion' about the album, not a press junket. It seems odd to me, like why even bother if you seem like you're sitting on a sandpaper buttblug the whole time? he always sounds like that
  5. Wait, why did we think Linpadual is Steinvord to begin with? Also, was Linpadual just a random YouTube discovery or what?
  6. I just want to say, that I think you are awesome LimpyLoo. You ain't so bad yourself. *dances intelligently*
  7. I love how you pretend to be the sheriff of kindness and then you say stuff like that lol (seriously though, I do love you Foil)
  8. Interests:poetry, photography, history, classical and contemporary electronic music If you were trying to convince people that you aren't just some vacuous ironic asshole, you failed. I imagine your poetry containing words like 'fart' and 'dank nugs.' This is literally an IDM forum
  9. Charles, you literally have worse taste in music than my grandmother. Go listen to Tommy Lee and fuck off.
  10. I hear it too, but at the same time I don't think it's a bad thing. NIN (like BoC or Burial) are one of those groups where I want their new stuff to sound (at least partially) like their old stuff. Woah, imagine a not-brickwalled Clark album ! *considers posting Scanners gif but not sure if kosher these days*
  11. Wow, I honestly applaud TR for doing this. Maybe all albums should be mastered and released that way, with a loudness-minded master and then a quality-minded one.
  12. Hesitant? In other news, Amazon.com is offering the second single for free, but now I can't seem to find it anymore... My knee just filed assault charges because I slapped it so much.
  13. *Leads MadameChaos to surprise birthday party* *Opens garage door* *Shoots her in back of head* Edit: *makes joshuatx clear up the mess and then forces fellatio at gun point* *walks by and slips on a chunk of MadameChaos' brain*
  14. It seems like whenever someone in my life is in a bad mood they try to put me in a bad mood.
  15. I'm still trying to come to terms with the album title.
  16. Yeah, absolutely. She even said to me "I feel sorry for you that you can't believe in something." And to boot my father is finally become a full-blown alcoholic that gets frustrated and impatient and mean when he drinks with pretty much everyone (including my 6-year old sister). *sigh* Does anyone have normal parents? ( last emo post for awhile, I promise ) At least your parents won't be dead by December. You're right. This sorta stuff has just been on my mind because my mother makes me feel like a worthless piece of shit of a human being and so I've just been kinda struggling with that a bit.
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