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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. If by pointless you mean half-decent then yes I agree with you if by half-decent you mean 1 or 2 good scenes, then yes, I agree with you That is not what I mean.
  2. but let's be serious my mom could make a playlist and press spacebar :P
  3. CharlesWatkins, is your entire life one big ironic joke or what's going on with you?
  4. I would but you guys would be so disappointed 'cause it's broken and only plays one note at a time.
  5. The keys of my sh101 are covered in some sort of oil.
  6. this should get it out of your head: you're welcome in advance
  7. Err I just wear black Chuck Taylors so y'all can use your imagination
  8. Just run through your head what the scenario will go like if you fail miserably. Once you imagine it you'll likely find it's not that bad and if you can live with it then you're golden.
  9. Congrats Deer. Good stuff. Yeah I know that feeling of wasting the day. Some days I don't work or make music or practice drums/guitar and sometimes it feels like a vacation and sometimes it feels like I've failed myself.
  10. I wonder how much progress this thread has made *checks page one* nope 750 posts later and we've gotten no closer
  11. oh nice i'm sitting down to watch this right now
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdV1V4vPPLI&list=AL94UKMTqg-9DPSK5lW0LIg3nhI75enO_H
  13. Don't worry, there's a 2050th post celebration thread coming right around the corner. (not really, mods)
  14. Nicely done, man. You feel like running down the gear you used?
  15. a) grow a thicker skin. b) cry in the corner. c) arrange to meet him and have a fight (sex). err it's not that I'm offended or anything it's just so bizarre
  16. that midlife crisis antiwatmm guy keeps calling me a cunt and it's been a while since I've dealt with angry jaded people so I'm not sure what to do.
  17. cheap lol, but you earned it nontheles conbedulations
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