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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. how righteous of you. wtf? all i'm saying i disagree with people i like have you never disagreed with a friend or relative and bit your tongue?
  2. I keep meaning to speak my mind in certain threads but I don't feel like contradicting people that I like.
  3. I sorta wonder if AC is doing more harm than good by giving stuff like that airtime. Sorta lends it legitimacy in a way, like it's worth acknowledging and responding to.
  4. it's nice to know that environmentalism is spreading into such diverse aspects of culture
  5. "which kills hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians per year." I'm not denying this as much as asking for some specifics... I'm critical of the CIA and US foreign policy, but I think you are making my point in that you are trying to negate my criticism against terrorist groups, religious extremists, totalitarian governments etc by claiming and exaggerating the effects of US foreign policy on the rest of the world. My argument is that one can simply have a more versatile approach to all of the above without needing to make rash unsupported claims. When I say "the real enemies" I mean people, institutions, governments that are in affect completely in favor of totalitarian beliefs and institutions. The United States has some of the best freedom of speech laws in the world. And it has an immense amount of power that does get misused and corrupted in evil ways as well... So we as people should criticize the miss use when we see it, but not to stop there. To not contribute and to claim superiority over others (by calling them idiots or bigots) who communicate a logical distaste for governments like NK and people like Osama Bin Laden is a mistake. Real enemies are the enemies that openly declare to be our enemy. People like Hamas who call for the death and destruction of all Jews while using a "holy book" to justify stoning gay people or oppressing women's rights..... or a government like NK who starve their people and brainwash them/strict them of all basic human rights. I mean need only look at the Syrian civil war to see what the real enemy ideologies and institutions are. There is no hiding from this fact and I don't know why it is so difficult for people who say they are for protecting the individual to focus or comment on this stuff without in so many ways blaming it all on the United States. It is, as I have said, a self-destructive and defeatist attitude that gets us nowhere as a collective. Relies too much on conspiracy, fear, and paranoia to be of any benefit with making positive change. This: I hear you man. I would not wanna visit those countries. I kinda think that it's just a matter of time before technology and social media organically root out these primitive ideologies. Furthermore, I would say that technology and social media will topple all of the totalitarian governments of the world and make everyone scientifically literate (so people stop believe in stolen penises and an earth that was created by a giant invisible bearded man 5,000 years ago).
  6. read some Chomsky, bro read "What Uncle Sam Really Wants" (it's a very short book, easy to breeze through) here is the U.S. government for you: http://www.salon.com/2013/02/21/lindsey_graham_puts_drone_deaths_at_4700/ I'm just gonna flat out say it: the U.S. government (and U.S.-backed "rent-a-thugs") routinely commits atrocities much worse than 9/11
  7. Yeah what Compson posted has very much perked my interest but it's very far off from the North Korea topic Perhaps I will make a thread on this topic sometime. As I agree, this is off-topic. The only reason I brought it up is that I find the perspective of the New World Order (even casual suspicion) or US imperialism being the root or cause of most evil elsewhere in the world unnecessary; as it waters down the issues and casts westerners against their own institutions and ideals (unknowingly). Once you make these extraordinary claims, you essentially put yourself in a self destructive mindset. The mindset that we westerners also live in a totalitarian state. A state where you and I as individuals have no individual power to improve reality unless we overthrow our government. A momentous challenge indeed and a dangerous one as well. One that divides us by relying not on facts but conspiracy (so in that sense, kind of like a Religion). What I think we need are more liberals standing up for our ideals and criticizing anyone who tramples on them (including the US government). Not with force necessarily, but sometimes. As our world becomes more and more interconnected (globalism) we need to realize that there are governments, religions, and dare I say terrorist organizations (gasp) that do not agree with our ideals and wish to impose their supreme authority on us and on individuals who were simply by chance born into it. Think for a second about growing up in a extremist Islamic terrorist organization, being brought up in that way... where there is no real free will to dissent or disagree with their violent/religious motivations. This is the real enemy. By oversimplifying and exaggerating this issue as some kind of NWO conspiracy we are dividing our nation further and allowing more violent and oppressive outlets from getting their much needed fair share of criticism. Abby Martin does a great job of bringing the evils of the US Government to light, but without a more balanced and nuanced approach, she is in essence suggesting all problems are rooted from a dozen or so elite bankers. Our understanding of human nature and the world is too small to suggest this. In no ways is my declaration that the NK Government is a repugnant/evil example of civilized society a simplification. It's a clear understanding of what we are dealing with. And only through a more united and less divisive United States can we begin to attempt to remove the corporate power that keeps us divided and fearful (two party system). If we can at least agree on what we stand for and who is against us we might make some progress with diplomatic pressure and activism. And don't forget the U.S. government, which kills hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians per year. As far as being a threat to humanity, they are worse than all of the terrorist groups in the world combined.
  8. "The NK people are literally in a totalitarian hell." "NK in its current form is like a cancer. The people who live inside, live in what I think is fair to call hell and the people who run its government are evil." "The new left is becoming more and more fascist and totalitarian in with their double-talk." I mostly agree with all of these statements (except maybe the last one...can you define "new left"?). That said, it is quite possible that I am missing some crucial bits of information. Which brings up an interesting point: often in debates like this there is the (erroneous) belief that everyone is in possession of all the same information, and that the differences in people's position are based solely on different held values (which is the only logical conclusion of the first premise). I would hazard a guess that if everyone in this thread experienced some sort of PKDesque anamnesis where we all knew every detail of every single thing that had every happened in the universe, our opinions would align/overlap by 99.99%.
  9. Just run through your head what the scenario will go like if you fail miserably. Once you imagine it you'll likely find it's not that bad and if you can live with it then you're golden. Yeah, good point. I guess I'll just see if she wants to have a friendly drink sometime and see if anything comes from that. UPDATE: I got her number! AWW SHITTTTTTTTTTT
  10. oh god especially if the wife is a "square" then that's the biggest turn-off ever. Can't let your junk dangle.
  11. Dude we should totally try to get stuck in the Nexus from Star Trek: Generations.
  12. i was actually curious why was it given 1/10 as i liked the beginning and the guitar sounds. but when the dude started singing, i understood. if you say so
  13. posted Polvo's "Fast Canoe" in rate the music above you thread and some yolo gave it a 1/10 some idiotic shit
  14. I prefer to think that Rivers Cuomo died right after Pinkerton.
  15. I can't suppress my love for V-Snares I need to spray it forth like chunky vomit into the face of the world. Haters, what the fuck? MisterE: odd-meters is just one of the many interesting things about V-Snares. Harmonically, rhythmically and melodically he is probably more competent than 90% of people making electronic music. His frequent use of 7/4 and 7/8 (and some others) is just one of the many aspects that set him apart from the homogenous electronic masses. There is something to be said for being able to hear 2 bars of a song and knowing "oh that's gotta be V-Snares." Most music is generic and anonymous and could be made by any one of 100,000 FL Studio owners (for instance). Burial Four Tet FlyLo Luke Vibert Squarepusher Autechre etc all these guys have that identifiable thing where you can hear 5 seconds of their stuff and know it's them. Now obviously alot of bad artists have it too (e.g. Raed), but I think it's probably a prerequisite for greatness. And odd meter is not a superficial thing (as your comment a couple pages ago seemed to suggest). Structural/formal elements are a big part of what lend music its beauty. If you take Bach, for instance, I would say half of the beauty is the actual sound and the other half is the form, the mathematical elegance. And one could even argue that meter is the most visceral aspect of the music as it tells our bodies how to move to it...
  16. Just had a jerk tofu wrap from the vegan place down the block Amazing extremely fresh farm ingredients perfectly spicy and they fry the wrap so it's crunchy like a quesadilla
  17. I'm pretty sure he is 100% serious. is that better or worse i can't tell
  18. Discovery was a very important album for me and I'd always heard bad things about everything after it so I didn't even bother with the stuff because I didn't want to sully my relationship with Discovery. But I think it's time to catch up. [two songs into Human After All and I am having regrets] [edit: "Robot Rock" is great, though] [edit: hope new album doesn't have that gross fucking bitcrush/sample-rate wah-wah]
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