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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. Oh. So you were around then? I thought it happened like 10-12 months ago. Sounds like I'm mistaken.
  2. Not cool, man. No offense but this is kinda why I was surprised when you were selected to be a mod.
  3. They basically made one stupidly huge fucking advertisment for the album, way before the review. Of course it was going to get a ridiculously high score, making sure they don't close down that Columbia Records money tap. lol This review coupled with the 6.2 Bibio review just reaffirmed for me just how much Pitchfork is not worth taking seriously.
  4. Yeah honestly. I respect Daft Punk about as much as I respect Kanye West.
  5. I wouldn't bother Now that is way over the top. This album is definitely worth checking out. Even if it happened to be the worst album of all time, the production is ambitious and the playing is tight. That's me....way over the top to say "I wouldn't bother" is a tad silly In my defense, I am a very silly man. Being silly is the way to be. edit; that second smiley is freaking me out
  6. I wouldn't bother Now that is way over the top. This album is definitely worth checking out. Even if it happened to be the worst album of all time, the production is ambitious and the playing is tight. That's me....way over the top to say "I wouldn't bother" is a tad silly IMO
  7. I wouldn't bother Now that is way over the top. This album is definitely worth checking out. Even if it happened to be the worst album of all time, the production is ambitious and the playing is tight.
  8. I'm listening to this album with an open heart and an open mind and...well....*makes wanking gesture*
  9. Maybe if they had called it Bad Album I would've loved it.
  10. like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ms0PDYevkac (pitched up semitone to avoid detection)
  11. I didn't know Arnold Schwarzenegger smoked cigarettes. He looks awful glad about it. Must be a menthol.
  12. I had a pimple in my ear that was affecting my hearing so i finally just scraped it out so now my ear is full of blood.
  13. Thanks guys. It was very exciting to find a new doorway to stand in front of for a quick selfy. (I'm levitating the iPhone with mind power)
  14. we're up all night to get lucky she's up all night to get lucky he's up all night to get lucky I'm up all night to get lucky we're up all night to get lucky she's up all night to get lucky he's up all night to get lucky I'm up all night to get lucky
  15. Or somebody on the board is killing them off one by one... I have some friends on the internet who i converse with over email. I always thought one of us died, the other would have no idea it happened, nobody to inform them. A variant on my bizarre perception that every person I interact with either deeply loathes me or is sexually attracted to me occurs over the internet when someone doesn't respond to me for a while and then I assume they don't like me or they're dead (or both).
  16. my ear is riddled with acne and it's affecting my hearing it's actually kinda scary
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