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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. Holy shit --that's, like, so smart! Sorry to hear your mom's dabbling in voodoo Limpy. Thanks zeph
  2. cults are cool. Some of them are. I don't think this one is. What cult? Tell us about it. I like to hear about crazy cults. I'd rather not say directly, but obviously feel free to google these "declaration of principles" and use some deductive reasoning... The whole situation feels very surreal.
  3. oh god i just ate way too much food, i'm seriously on the verge of puking
  4. cults are cool. Some of them are. I don't think this one is.
  5. FWP: My mom is trying to recruit me into her psychic cult. (not joking)
  6. Tony Williams, Bernie Worrell and Steve Vai play on this track wtf http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJCDz1RyAnw
  7. Kanye West is the open herpes sore on the face of music
  8. Kanye West is a talented, humble human being who deserves all of his success.
  9. As much as I respect Daft Punk I highly doubt they can actually play bass, drums or any other instrument. I might be wrong, dunno.
  10. okay yeah I've pulled a 180 on thinking this album might possibly be good Julian Casablancas can ingest soft chunks of my yeast infection through a straw
  11. I have a strange feeling that I will love this album.
  12. shit man good luck to you take walks take lots of showers keep your apartment cold and stretch alot (or get massages if you can) thanks limpy! i can do this, only was taking 900mg a day, could be worse! EDIT: fuck me, it's GABAPENTIN.. i don't know why i thought clonazepam, i think i used to take that one as well okay jesus you scared me i think most people would die at about 15mg of clonazapam lol
  13. shit man good luck to you take walks take lots of showers keep your apartment cold and stretch alot (or get massages if you can)
  14. for all you know this was the reason why he set the last guy on fire LOL (seriously though watch your back Mess)
  15. What begins? People, please stop saying that I have a heart condition.
  16. holy shit is this person a friend or an acquaintance or what?
  17. Shit man I know exactly the feeling. A year and a half ago a guy in my building--who lived on the 4th floor--just up and jumped out the window one day. I came home from whatever I was doing and there were cops and medics and yellow tape everywhere and a sheet placed over the body with a bunch of people in a circle just looking at him/it. I didn't know the guy too well (I bumped into him from time to time) but for some reason I was semi-inexplicably devastated for about 6 months. Perhaps it hit home with me because he was a "creative type" (like me) who struggled with depression (like me). Anyway, yeah music is always the answer.
  18. Congrats everyone on your respective awesomeness.
  19. I doubt that's even an actual photograph of Richie
  20. how righteous of you. wtf? all i'm saying i disagree with people i like have you never disagreed with a friend or relative and bit your tongue? I'm not known for biting my tongue. If you can't tell someone your viewpoint for fear of offending or putting them off you, something isn't right. Anyway I meant announcing that you were having to bite your tongue all the time is righteous rather than the tongue biting alone. Maybe I should bite my tongue? This is the first world problems thread isn't it? I kinda get what you're saying, but I'm not declaring that I'm this hyper-intellegent person that knows The Truth but don't want to offend the all the pathetic little plebeians that surround me with their petty little opinions. Rather, I was just pointing out that in society there is a balance to be struck between speaking your mind and keeping the peace (often they align but sometimes they conflict). My mother, for instance, has alot of opinions and values I don't share so I usually try to avoid discussing things we disagree on or else there will inevitably be a strain in our relationship. There's nothing righteous about it.
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