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Everything posted by LimpyLoo

  1. global, fortunately it's about 5 cents flat per octave, which I can totally roll with just have to tune for whatever octave I'm in
  2. Sh101 tuning is reacting very weird to (I think) weather.
  3. finally watched Bloodfart last night worst documentary I've ever seen
  4. if you didn't immediately throw that person out of your moving car then I'm pretty sure that's a bannable offense as stipulated in the "so your friend is a philistine..." section of the forum rules.
  5. you wanna list the goods? hard to see what's going on in those pics
  6. my SP-303 is acting all glitchy and the sequencer plays in and out of time that's what I get for lusting after the MC-4 for it's 'unique' timefeel
  7. that song fucking sucks and it needs to die of anal sadness
  8. I'll flush your head in *makes feces pun in response to your feces pun*
  9. seriously can we lock this shitty thread?
  10. Only a hipster would use the word "dullard." hmmm....methinks thou doth protest too much.
  11. 1) analyzing music does not preclude one from enjoying it 2) analyzing music is IMO the best way to build any sorts of chops, from mixing to composing to performing
  12. my guess: 101 or 303 squarewave through a distortion pedal
  13. all of the pre-101 SH's sound great IMO but none of them quite do the 101 thing
  14. When I caught wind that my gf was browsing WATMM I briefly felt very claustrophobic, and almost like I had nothing that was mine and mine alone.
  15. yeah luckily she has a therapist/psychiatrist and a decent support system
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