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Knob Twiddlers
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Status Replies posted by triachus

  1. listening to The Cure's greatest hits while watching anime with my gf

  2. finished high school, now to finish life

  3. Probably time to watch Inception again

  4. what doesn't kill you, makes you weaker

  5. las sucias en las calles son bien rica rica. yo le digo mami, tremenda salpica.

  6. I cannot see in straight lines, I cannot spell withou my iPhone, and yet I'm lame enough to post this in watmm in the middle of a set... True faking.

  7. Las Vegas is a hell-hole. Fuck this city.

  8. You can "listen" to music coming from "inside your head" ONLY 7:44 minutes before your death.

  9. Google is the new Jesus Christ.

  10. The Monk that Killed Wolfgang Voigt

  11. The Monk that Killed Wolfgang Voigt

  12. The Death of WATMM

  13. so.... who's going to text me as soon as this kickstarter is up and running??

  14. im a redneck who hates synths because not real music etc


  16. my neuroscience girlfriend.

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