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Everything posted by chronical

  1. Do you think with miniscule performance improvements developers would aim at a stable 30FPS on the new CPU instead of the old one? The Switch performs bad enough as it is, it's basically a glorified 2015 smartphone.
  2. Thanks for that, been listening to her all morning packing my things. Loads of things on her Soundcloud
  3. @Tim_J @eugene You two should read the Legion comics if you're interested in the character. David in the show is a bit much. The whole Syd storyline just weirds me out, if it ends the way it is now it's such a one sided SJW move. Here's pure Legion in the comics: I love it, has a sorta Moebius vibe.
  4. Alright, thanks. I'll try to remember that. I don't think they're not on Soundcloud anymore, probably because a different version was released under copyright? No idea if that's right though.
  5. I gotchu fam https://www101.zippyshare.com/v/8fotLImt/file.html ( @Joyrex are these kinda links oK if the tracks were on public sites like Soundcloud?)
  6. Legion 3x04 was fantastic. Don't want to spoil anything so I'll try to be vague- the tick tock cut scenes were very reminiscent of Twin Peaks' third season. I hope my ideas will grow into something akin to that some day sooner or later. Love it
  7. so many folks dying from cancer around me. fucking hell
  8. typing "wat" into my browser for it to autocomplete to WATMM makes me smile sometimes
  9. Them finding obscure demo tape versions of Killing Joke is like us trying to find things like Acid Memories innit?
  10. Honestly don't care. Finding new music is a hobby to a lot of us, and while we'd all love new BOC material this opens up so many more pandora's boxes. All of these songs color me excited for a summer where I move into a new house full with a bunch of hippie friends that like to listen to LPs that aren't too strange on the psychedelic electronica front. Thanks for this Joyrex!
  11. WATMM radio host that introduces a story between tracks comes to mind. With a script written here which could work for interlude vibes too. That'd be sick as a cassette release. Could also make the theme of the songs more fluid. But, who knows how hard that is to do on a collective scale. I for one would like a more memorable unique collaborative effort instead of a compilation, but das just me.
  12. Alright, sweet. I'm a bit of grump today admittedly! I just love cats is all. Dogs too but they are a bitch to raise properly, especially if you've missed the critical learning period (which I did with my Spanish street dog rescue). Yesterday I met a hedgehog in front of my window eating a slug, got him some water and looked at him for a bit. I guess my first world problem is that I wished the little hombre gave me a fist bump. I think I've met him before last year when he was tiny! He listens to AFX with me on warm summer days I think.
  13. A cat can be pretty chill if you treat it well during the first year of its life. Play with it, cuddle, create a safe space for it at home, respect their asshole tendencies and they'll be your friend in no time. Why did you get one in the first place, just for the lady? The points you were making above are absolutely normal cat behaviour. A cat doesn't listen to "no" when it jumps on the table. That's just silly. I hope you can learn to love the little dude, otherwise what's the point– it needs a good home. Edit: Have you ever had a dog? They're a lot more work than cats..
  14. Sounds like a normal young cat. Eyy guys I got a baby, it keeps puking and it doesn't even walk on two feet, what the fuck. It doesn't stop screaming when it's hungry, total maniac this little turd burglar
  15. Same here ? That was such an uplifting moment live
  16. Yeah especially when the dealer guy came around.. Ruined the importance of having your power and sticking with it. The rocket scientist thing was funny but so world breaking in a way
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