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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by pcock

  1. I have that same magnetic pull every time I go to a party. I think it's time to stand up to these people (Duncan Trussell calls them "vampires"). I know this one guy who's a sadistically boring talker. I will say "alright well, I gotta go grab some lunch" and he just ignores me and keeps talking because he's old and lonely. The politeness proviso of the social contract should be suspended for these people. If they're just gonna ignore our feelings, we should all just follow suit. Next time someone talks my ear off, I'm just gonna walk away. Who's with me? i actually got so fed up of mega long boring stories that i start doing something about, namely just suddenly appearing as if i have to speak to someone else as politely as possible. ive pretty much just got alot less bothered about what people i dont really know that well think of me, they can basically get over it.
  2. lucy - 6/7 out of 10. interesting idea, interesting enough to watch, but just not exactly that good.
  3. just started assassins creed IV black flag, its absolutely gorgeous. best graphics ive seen on my pc yet.
  4. house of cards season 2. great tv, however, im pretty sure the entire thing is just elaborate and subtle propaganda designed to trick people into thinking there are systems in place to hold the administration responsible for corporate corruption.
  5. Just getting stuck into shadow of mordor, i like. the combat feels just like the batman games but with swords and murder, which is a good thing.
  6. I couldnt get through the witcher 1, it got to a point where i was given the mission 'find 500 orens' basically because i needed to buy some dude something, which literally took about 2 or 3 hours, and then immediately after the next mission was 'find 300 orens' so i gave up. i have given the witcher 2 the benefit of the doubt though and just started that, seems much more fun, the change of combat style from point and click to actual combat seems way better.
  7. 180db was one of my favourites. played it out on friday and it sounded great.
  8. the new trailer park boys is also pretty fuckin good. ''orangies pretty fuckin tough''
  9. torchlight 2. loads of fun, but so incredibly similar to diablo you would think there would have been legal issues.
  10. il give it a go but i would have thought the ping will be a bit rubbish from over the pond. il add you anyway.
  11. not got any friends that play it but i always leave me game open for people to jump in. i actually just looked at my steam stats and it turns out ive spent 105 hours on it. ive only had it like three weeks aswell, thats pretty brutal.
  12. thats pretty crazy man, ive just about finished ultimate vault hunter, done every mission except the raid bosses, level 62, and ive only spent about 60 hours. great game though. playing as a gunzerker and just running around batshit insane with double shotguns all the time
  13. no idea how the look of silent hill doesnt look cool as shit to you. another horror game? thats literally exactly what silent hill is.
  14. I had to take a grotesque, liquid shit after a weekend of partying at a lady friends house at the weekend, only to find there was no paper left. id go so far to say it was actually worse than a first world problem, il take shitty, unclean drinking water over that any day of the week.
  15. excellent sort of film for a brutal comedown by the sound of things.
  16. is there anything more pointless than describing an album thats not out for two weeks with track by track descriptions?
  17. i would be interested in this, are you in europe? played a wee bit of it and it seemed great, the moment i tried to play a human i just got flattened. my steam is nGpcock
  18. i hate stealth games usually. dishonoured was an exception, because you could have a decent go, but then when you failed just start fuckin shit up anyway. how people could earn that achievement where no enemy in the entire game even detects you i dont know.
  19. who cares about shitty cellphone leaks, just ignore them. youve been listening to the first 3 tracks on live bootleg for a couple of years anyway.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6_ikWlJu_0
  21. want to hear something cool?
  22. The reason he gave to me for shutting down rephlex, last june(?) was a mixture of the amount of time its been in existence, and going out while you're still on top.
  23. Smough and Ornstien was where i gave up on NG+ . just couldnt do it.
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