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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by pcock

  1. yeah i can survive, but im missing my soundtoys plugins and my d16 silver collection, which are my absolute favs. hopefully as time goes by the compatibility issues will disappear
  2. my dentist is awesome, asked if i was on the dole when i signed up 3 years ago (i was) and havent asked since, so even though ive not been on the dole for 2 and a half years i get all my dental treatment for free.
  3. jbridge makes my ableton crash aswell, so annoying. sometimes there are just randomly 64bit pugins that dont show up aswell. complete waste of money.
  4. yeah the first season isnt great, but i really enjoyed seasons 2-3 and 4 to a lesser extent. ideal chilled out happy shit.
  5. i really enjoyed the first 3-4 odd seasons of parks and recreation. cool characters, enough actually funny jokes, nice light hearted and cheesy. it went terrible though.
  6. i have 0 views, which makes me kind of happy. i actually need to nuke my profiles for everything when i move flat in a few months and never use my real name ever again.
  7. do you think youtubes comments prove that if you are alive and have an internet connection, you are more likely to be stupid than not?
  8. the hangover 4: 4 bros wake up after accidentally taking a bunch of roofies and have escapades figuring out how to get out of bagdhad without any passports. there is an asian guy and a monkey.
  9. the new head high is spectacular, and 8 tracks instead of two. so good. summer techno done right.
  10. i am massively happy with my genelec m040's 3 months in. they are nice, tight, loud, good amount of bass, they look sexy, and overall well worth it.
  11. i record that is only owned by 6 people is still a mega rare cool as shit record for a collector to have, even if everyone has heard the music, so i imagine its sale will be in the low thousands, at a guess.
  12. my flatmate had a pair of female rats, they were cool. they are quite affectionate aswell.
  13. you know, i dont think ive ever ironed anything in my entire life. i hope to keep it that way.
  14. jesus, all inclusive alcohol holidays would destroy me. sounds awesome.
  15. just finished up the life and times of tim, extremely dry and chilled out, but thoroughly enjoyed it, it had really hit its stride my season 3. tried the kroll show because i thought the league was awesome, one of the most offensively shitty comedies ive seen in a while.
  16. yeah tyrannosaur was my favourite film of recent times. amazingly grim.
  17. i always forget that jazzband is not actually a wider internet meme and no-one understands when i use it.
  18. ive jazzed my own pictures in here upto 3 times. im still happy
  19. theres worse things than death. most of them involve a lack of burgers.
  20. been playing Counterstrike GO, loving the fact you can now play competitive style games without having a clan, which is good because all of my old CSS friends from when i used to play 4 years ago. im pretty rubbish again, and the deagle seems have been made considerably harder to use, but im having a shitload of fun. anyone play this in europe?
  21. i dunno man, i just have a fair few friends who hate being called hun/sweetheart by anyone who isnt over 60. keep doing what your doing, but be aware some people are not going to like it.
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