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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by pcock

  1. TWBB had the best score ive heard in ages. made me enjoy the film approximately 20 percent more.
  2. 14, and that test layout was a cock.
  3. as far as recommendations i havent enjoyed, my memory for that is terrible, one i can definetely remember is the ashes of time redux, which while looking great, had way too much of insubstantial plot and ended up boring me so much that i turned it off 20 minutes before the end. great colours in it though.
  4. i always enjoyed stephen hawkings theory, that aside from all the inevitable and ridiculous paradoxes of putting more than one of the same person in the same time, any actual successful time portal would almost immediately explode like a nuke due to feedback of the tiny amount of radiation that exists in the atmosphere.
  5. After watching mein best friend I don't see how it wasn't obvious the guy was a brutally unpleasant human being. I don't see how being wildly talented at something excuses you for being a absolute cunt.
  6. also, buying a HD projector was my best purchase all year, im really enjoying films so much more again now that they are 9 feet wide and 6 feet high, i would recommend it to all you guys
  7. i dont usually enjoy your recommendations but this was an amazing film. 9/10
  8. i shave with fire
  9. i ended up just reading the plot synopsis on wikipedia when i came back to dexter and realised it was up to season 7, i finished watching about 3 episodes into season 3 a few years back. im pretty glad i didnt bother watching it.
  10. parks and recreation was pretty shit, but i dont see how it was cringe comedy atall, it gave me a sense of cheesy uplifting gay likeable comedy.
  11. ''she even left a used sock on the floor'' lol
  12. you know i literally quite often watch films that you hate on simply because i quite often enjoy them haha. not heard of this safety garaunteed but i think i might give it a blast.
  13. really? i thought 30 rock was the most unwatchably shit thing ive ever seen, i was forced to watch almost the entire seasons 3 + 4 with a flatmate.
  14. i hate goin on on new years eve, the one night where every absolute cunt under the sun goes for a night out, house parties are where its at.
  15. they may have completely fucked me, but i come from a culture of not ringing the police on your mates, even if they have been absolute cunts. il figure something out. the police are an absolute last resort if its between me literally being arrested or them.
  16. honestly christmas is killing me, ive been drunk as a skunk every night for the last week, im going out for traditional christmas eve drinks just now, and christmas day hasnt even arrived. every morning ive been putting off the hangover with hair of the dog, when i actually stop drinking i am gonna have such a shitty day. i love christmas though, an amazing catch up with family and friends of the past.
  17. i usually hate whinging about shit online but fuck it, this thread has been teasing me for 200 pages, i just found out the one of my flatmates packed up his shit and disappeared the moment i left to go on holiday, and the other one with no-one to stop him promptly had one of the most ridiculous parties you can imagine, trashed the flat, left 700 quid on the table top and fucked off aswell. so me and the other leaseholder are left with 3000 of damage, 700 quid, and half the rent missing for january the 3rd. we are fucked.
  18. the new sunny in philly is awful though. dont get me wrong, i thogh seasons 2-5 were some of the funniest shit ive ever seen, seasons 6-7 still funny with a bit of self aware falseness, but this new season 8 is just awful. its kind of nice with british comedy in which they usually do two seasons and then finish while they're still ahead.
  19. indulging in a guilty pleasure of mine, the latest season of skins which i didnt realise was out. ive always really enjoyed this program, a nice mixture between vague comedy, likable characters, and fairly heavy duty drama aswell. this season is pretty good so far, the season 5 buildup of the characters was pretty shitty.
  20. consent is for homos anyway. that's not how i roll.
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