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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by pcock

  1. spoken like a true australian. seeing 3 genuine massive hornets 2 feet away from me was one of the most dangerous situations ive ever been in. or it felt like it anyway. those things were as big as my big toe ffs.
  2. heating olive oil is not good for you? fuck that.
  3. well, ive been pretty miserable in this thread in the last year or so since i bought an xbox, but im here to say that yes, dark souls. im 10 hours in and im hooked. only done about 3 bosses, im right in the middle of darkwood forest(whatev) but this game is fantastic. never has going back and forwards mastering a certain type of enemy for xp been so satisfying. i keep on going back to try and kill the wythhle dragon on the bridge, still not quite there but yes. first game ive properly enjoyed since i lost a decent gaming pc to play counterstrike on 3 years ago. thats an exagurration, i did love fallout, and farcry was pretty awesome, if shallow, but dark souls. yes. any more for the xbox with this depth?
  4. what is it with remaking perfectly good films, do they thing that american audiences hate reading, or seeing brown people?
  5. is 950 reasonable for a mint condition sps1+UW+mkII? seems like quite a minor decrease in price compared to 1100 new.
  6. i love that recipe aswell, with one alteration instead of one entire egg, i use 5 yolks and 2 green chillies aswell. creamy and delicious, with a nice kick. i pinched it off a site, i think its one of the famous chefs versions. my cooking has been getting alot better actually, still nowhere near improvisation skill, but ive been making some cool shit from recipes online. tonight i had spiced lamb meatball ciabattas with a tomato/jalepeno salsa and melted mozzeralla. bangin'.
  7. i couldnt be bothered finishing max payne for that reason. thought it was rubbish.
  8. my first night playing online poker, i put in 25 dollars to a 4 hour tournament and im currently in the last three, with third place paying out 200 dollars, second 500 odd and first 800. and im not losing.
  9. so, while ive got some cash im picking up games for my xbox for in the future when i havent got any cash, what would you guys say are must haves for the 360? if you can be bothered. so far the most enjoyable 360 game ive played has been farcry3.
  10. i dont think i could actually play a game like that with a VR headset on, id shit myself.
  11. yeah they do quite alot of mixed spirits in cans over here, gordons and tonic, vodka and coke etc. they are weak as fuck though.
  12. about 4 hours into bioshock infinite, this is a cool game. looks amazing, the battle sequences on the skywires are a beast.
  13. tequila is the best morning drink. im convinced its full of happiness.
  14. ive found this forum a fascinating insight into a mindset i completely cannot understand, which is album mentality. i literally do not care, i feel each tune as a seperate tune. maybe its something to do with being a dj, but some of my favourite albums are 5 tunes i dote over, and 7 tunes i hate, but its still a great album. there is essentially no album i enjoy as a whole. not that i have any objection to you guys loving albums a whole, but i just dont see it. the closest i get to this is loving a classical sonata as a whole, but that is also rare. maybe im just weird.
  15. so i gave this album a proper listen while on a walking holiday in beautiful sunshine in the lake district over the weekend, and: i mostly hate it. asin most of the tunes actively irritate my ears. i quite like sick times, reach for dead, and i very much like come to seed. everything else i either just dont care about, or do not like atall. im not going to expand on that opinion, il just leave it here anyway.
  16. i thoroughly enjoy my life aswell. transatlantic bearded hi five, essines.
  17. pcock


    hes just a master of observation, mixed with being a very likeble, funny guy. his expressions are classic
  18. pcock


    i will also take this opportunity to recommend 'still game' and 'chewing the fat' aswell. exquisite scottish comedy. i couldnt understand alot of it for the first 3-4 months i was here but it is genuine laugh out loud shit. enjoy. both series are actually on youtube in full, in this country at least
  19. pcock


    i know alot of you guys are not from scotland, so i thought i would introduce you to limmy, debatably the funniest man ever. http://www.limmy.com/ also he has his own tv series which i will allow you to find yourself. i leave you with this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7b9SbFzIp0 discuss. or whatever.
  20. A friend did that recently with regards to donating to a charity she supports. I didn't respond. FWP: no idea what I should watch while I eat pizza. chewing the fat
  21. turns out im on holiday in a beautiful cabin in the lake district on the 10th of june. noice.
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