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Everything posted by bronchuseven

  1. There's an electro complilation on soundcloud - 114 tracks for free https://soundcloud.com/crazy-language/sets/various_the_electro_compendium_mp3 This is the mp3 version - flac is available as well; you can find the link to the uncompressed version in the above link
  2. You're not wrong! I normally don't wear such baggy clothes but it's hiking gear after all..
  3. https://soundcloud.com/donttrusthumans/only-for-robots-090-rhetor One of the best industrial techno DJ mixes I've heard.
  4. I think they're real. Once when I was very sick in the hospital I astral projected into some kind of interstellar ship (not my doing; they brought me there). I agree it sounds like nonsense but it was very real to me.
  5. I saw MBM play in Austin in the 90's; one of my first electronic shows.
  6. indeed, what a sweet little man! I love orange gatos.
  7. Louisa doesn't like it when she's not the centre of attention!
  8. Wow, score! My most recent purchase is the Mirage EP by Skirt.
  9. Anybody find any new terrible tracks? I still think Autry! can never be defeated in terribleness..
  10. Thanks mate! That spider was indeed scary.. she popped out of her hidey-hole right in front of me but didn't act very aggressive.
  11. I was hiking and this enormous trapdoor spider popped out of nowhere right in front of me. I was actually looking right at the ground where it appeared but it was so fast it appeared to have popped out of thin air. It's hard to judge the scale but she was about 2.5 in (6 cm) long.
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