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Everything posted by marf

  1. just watched a 20 minute interview of Kenny g and im actually really impressed by the man.
  2. RIP Morgan Freeman 80 years old Scratch that. hoax. Never listen to your mother reading her facebook
  3. it means old people need simple OS's. Thats what Steve jobs built his interfaces on. Old ladies can use it. There are whole fucking majors in college about this shit. targeting demographics based on personality types
  4. cash me outside about dat http://www.scpr.org/blogs/politics/2012/10/03/10295/iphone-states-vote-democrat-android-states-vote-re/
  5. one of the dumbest things I’ve read on here in a while Oh fuck off. At least Im trying to think outside the box bit. Personality types are drawn to certain features and things. So fuck you you cunt.
  6. I posed a question to a Verizon employee. I was right about him too. I suggested that iPhones re preferred by lefty dems , and stuff like the samsungs and the rest and more attractive to independents and righty political leanings. The freedom of the other phones. Instead of the eco system of he Mac stuff. The tweak ability of the other brands and OS's. The individualizing is attractive to right leaning political people. Same with Linux users.
  7. Ramones, Stooges. Its all I need. Keep the rest. IDM is awful expect for aphex and autechre. The best electronic music was made in the 1950's and 60's, by French people, American people and British people and German people
  8. brits also think they invented punk rock which thy didn't. You have a rivalry with a country that doesn't care about u
  9. you have like 3 good idm producers in the uk, always have, and they lifted it from Detroit. So don't give me that shit
  10. this was in at the bottom off the article on yahoo
  11. mde is in the troll video. unless I'm being algorythmed.
  12. look https://www.yahoo.com/news/marine-stole-truck-save-las-173553611.html
  13. good suggestions in here. Except Adam Corrola. He voted for trump! I know him from sex talk but not his podcast, in all fairness, he came from nothing in this world of nepotism. so good for him
  14. radio lab if you can stand the cut up shit. I like bbc radio. Not aware of British podcasts. Can't stand npr on the weekends, Wait wait don't tell me is awful and the Jazz is awful. Also 1 A is obsessed with race. race race race
  15. I also watch Varg on youtube. You now. That Varg. I watch shitloads of youtube in general
  16. matt taibbi is smart as shit. just his voice grates on my
  17. I like Marc maron. On being is an npr one I like (sort of a Sunday morning service without religion) . Also milk street on npr for food cause I like Christopher Kimble Ira glass of course. I do a great impression
  18. did Aphex shave his head? https://vimeo.com/235638223
  19. here's an idea. why dint they make the iPhone not crack? If you break the little tiny glass over the camera lens you have to pay 400 dollars to replace it because its part of the whole body. So you can't trade in when you are eligible. Durability would be more cutting edge than all this shit
  20. amazing that mods that use recoil to create automatic weapons are legal. holy shit, Ingenious too
  21. I haven't heard confirmation he's dead. Damn it if he is. FUUUCK won't back down is one of my favorites. I heart Love Tom
  22. you could never round up all the guns in America. Ever. It's weird when think about going to Europe my first thoughts are, will I get run over by a truck. will acid get thrown in my face, will I get stabbed. I guess guns ae the devil I know.
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