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Everything posted by marf

  1. trashy horror/comedy. Cabin fever 2 was hilarious. I don't mean so bad it's good. Kind of a self aware genre horror. No, Not the scream movies.
  2. Cabin Fever 2 7/10 more of a comedy and it delivers in that area I love trashy horror. Wish I knew of more
  3. Who actually sits down with no reservation and takes a good long shit in a porta potty? Me, if given zero choice Im like spiderman in those things
  4. I lived for Nigh Court as a kid
  5. Titan Netflix. Lets make a handful of people into Aliens ,but thy might not live through the transformation, and make them our only hope for humanity on earth which is going to shit. How this saves humanity is still not understood.
  6. Ive noticed a post marathon depression. Then you have to basically forget the show cause a new season could be a year away
  7. I did watch Roseanne. It sounds like they aren't used to doing a live show. This show always really showcased the quitessential American family. Maybe not your family but the one down the street. Santa Clarita diet, didn't expect much but it turned out to be Comedy Gold. Marathoned it and wanted more
  8. Michael McKean should win an Emmy for his role. He's incredible in this show. His breakdown at the hearing against Jimmy was incredible acting.
  9. CGI must be respected or it will kill a show or film I can't believe how much game of thrones gets away with their cgi. Its a fine tight rope they walk on that show, but it works for some reason. It could so easily not
  10. sure lasted long with ALS. Still hard to believe
  11. where did all this white supremacy come from? I never thought in a million years Nazis would make a comeback
  12. maximum attempt at snarky is the unspoken rule of watmm
  13. marf


    something I whipped up today real quick for the holiday https://vimeo.com/258449392
  14. 6.5K/10°C Im bad at mathsss yeah remember really digging this one, there's going to be a sequel: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt6246322/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_2 How would a young girl with a million in cash go to California and spend that money or use it without raising suspicion of where she got it? You could you live off it and work and put all work money in savings. Life time of laundering maybe. Put in off shore account (risky). I still can't figure out what I would do. You couldn't buy a house outright.
  15. Paul Stretch sounds like a Porn name. I got disks for my mirage for alternate tuning made by a man named Dick Lord.
  16. it was the 80's. It was probably the third preset next to Orch hit on the new fangled sampler disk... -------- babadook (2014) fucking crap that kid is annoying as fuck. Only good thing is it's nice stylistically. I don't know why so many people liked this film. I was waiting for it to end
  17. yeah, he even had one on politicians jerking off. Prescient indeed
  18. "no guns in school. Gun control for under 21. " Borrow gun from older brother. Hide in bushes. Shoot them as they get off the bus.
  19. no, its an ear worm. Your mind just goes there when you hear the name. I never think of dicks. Ive confirmed this with others. Maybe you've just been blessed to not endure this assault
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