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Everything posted by marf

  1. they keep focusing on a nuke-ectomy. Just do anything to open up Nk. Give them money, protect the family, whatever. Once they are open, that Dam will break in time
  2. I worked with a chef who knew Bourdain. He definitely traded up in the female department. He was married many years before he got famous
  3. He wasn't a Punk he was pure Kitchen staff. (he liked punk,) but trust me he was kitchen. You don't know unless you've worked in lots of kitchens
  4. this is also the time of year suicides happen the most
  5. he went after Weinstein. Maybe he was murdered
  6. it is different because he never hinted at it. Usually people give you signs. Say stuff in lyrics, interviews. This one is perplexing
  7. people who seem to have it all.
  8. you were never really here I enjoyed it I read a summary of the film and realized I got zero of the symbolism that made the films narative
  9. I think you pass out and die unconscious. could be wrong. Just goes to show you never know. Last person I would have thunk
  10. Soldiers are lauded by civilians as precious and important to our nation, but the military considers them almost worthless. Their very existence is based on expendability.
  11. I'm not sure if it's just the shape of my ear canals not being ideal for them, or something else, but I found my etymotics (hf5) are very mid-heavy unless I EQ them.. then again, perhaps that'd be good for mixing, ie. a good sounding mix on un-EQed etymotics would sound amazing elsewhere..? I used to own the etymotics, They never fit my ears. When I get them again Im getting a mold made at a hearing specialist
  12. Watching all these good shows lately and I see these incredible actors in there 60's and Ive never seen them before.
  13. Ive asked that too. I guess cause they are super compressed, No, And you cover them in fabric
  14. My plan. Get some goodish monitors but save last mix down for in ear etymotic earphones. Home studio wise you'll never get a perfect flat response unless you have a professional team set the room up
  15. comprised fiber glass too.https://www.amazon.com/Owens-Corning-703-Fiberglass-Boards/dp/B005V3L834
  16. Aliens might come and show us the way to get around this speed of light stuff
  17. god we are slaves to netflix . Im starting to run out of good shows on there. Everything else is B movies.
  18. evil genius-- Im guessing Bill had a lot to do with the pizza bomb
  19. I wonder if Americans are a little more nuts because we are bombarded with flouride. Im no chemtrail guy, but maybe
  20. Conjuring 2 was excellent. 8.5/10 Badadoock or whatever awful. That kid ruined it 2/10 one point for decent design
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