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Everything posted by marf

  1. i would have loved that as a kid. Instead I was only allowed chinese stars
  2. fm is math. Ratios. etc. Just play around till you like what you hear.Im a big fan of Barry Traux's old stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kylrHmgmvW8&index=79&list=FLWIRaKQuOpIpBeuQd7Mvcjw
  3. i hate the inevitable " what do you do?" or some permutation of that question I run a non profit and Im self employed, from now on.
  4. probably not high brow enough for this site but
  5. change thread title to what high brow film have you seen or would say you've seen that you recommend to make you look intelligent and refined
  6. marf

    Now Reading

    Amarna letters. Egpyt's correspondence with Cannan found on Clay tablets. tale of sinuhe ancient Egyptian tale
  7. I've thought about this. Being thrown in the hole would be awful, but something like death row where its just you in a cell with a stack of books, writing material and magazines, maybe a tv. I would go for over having a roommate you cant choose taking shit when he wants too. Having the threat of huge cock s in your ass without permission. The threat of shanks. Having to choose to fight people over minor infractions like cutting you in line. Shanks from enemies you create. I'll take solitary
  8. i secretly hope they destroy that Nk asshole. I hate what they've done to those people. If they do it fast enough and use thaad missile defense maybe it can be done without too much damage to innocent lives
  9. when i watch stuff from other countries im like ooh, an english program. Or ooh, a doc from india. A little foreign. A slice of life from some far away place.I wonder if people think, Oh something from America.
  10. it is so Trump doesn't look like a Putin puppet. duh
  11. nukes are gonna go off. I was right about Trump , and I hate to say Im right about this. Somewhere shit is going vaporize
  12. I'm actually putting Ikea furniture together into something that looks sort of like the picture. I feel like an artisan.
  13. marf


    lol, thats excellent so, it's ok to watch twin peaks more than once? I live in a city that has a twin peaks event every year and people from the cast come here
  14. marf


    so are all these guys going to be in retirement? I just watched twin peaks for the first time at 41. One of the best shows ever. Then I started looking everyone up, Jesus was that a shock. Am I the only one who was incredibly soothed by Major Briggs voice? Like a Bob Ross with better diction.
  15. Said it from the start, Trump would win.. Now i have to get a jump start on getting on SSI before the horror of Pence obliterates eveything
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