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Everything posted by marf

  1. all music is electronic. unless you live in the 1800's and own fiddle. Music (my little theory) is the mind finding logical closure to a problem, tension release. The familiar pattern of a drum beat cycling. Humans recognize patterns and need to make sense of them.
  2. I've been watching Vietnam vet historical record kind of docs and the way they have been treated is awful. Especially when they came back. There was a draft. They had no choice. It was like a prison sentence and to be spat upon or refused drinks at a bar. I can't believe we did that to them. I wasn't born but we as a people
  3. any one do cad ? charlotte's web sounds good, but so expensive.
  4. Can they get rid of presidency in America? It's like a human piñata for the tribes. If the government was more hard to pin down to a couple head leader the talk show conspiracy nuts would have a hard time crafting hate and division. You'd actually have to pay attention and vote at the library more often
  5. yeah, I don't get that bolt of lightning excitment feeling when I discover great music, anymore. Not like in my early 20's
  6. humans have been very intelligent for thousands of years, but not very wise. Technology has advanced beyond our wisdom. Our minds are still ancient.
  7. Winter's Bone 2010 Lawerence is amazing and beautiful. Incredible authentic film. Rural America at it's rarest. 7/10
  8. Really wish they'd make a keyboard like this https://typesetinthefuture.files.wordpress.com/2016/06/alien_composite_keyboard.jpg?w=1000 Had that image as my computer background for a while after reading that associated article. Love that sort of design and imagery. Love the audio too, My favorite is the monitors in this scene. I think maybe they used reel to reel pitch variable recording, maybe a analog delay and sounds like an arp 2600 doing static
  9. I thought Dunkirk was going to be a raw account, but some liberties were taken in the story. Pretty film. Kept me interested. The Score is awful. It's probably not easy making an engaging war film taking place at sea. Most ww2 films are in European cities. So I'll give him that. well done there. 6.5/10
  10. marf

    Now Reading

    currently; Pliny the Elder; Natural History Selections Pliny the younger; letters of Ovid, art of love
  11. Really wish they'd make a keyboard like this https://typesetinthefuture.files.wordpress.com/2016/06/alien_composite_keyboard.jpg?w=1000
  12. incredibly Shane Macgowan lives
  13. I avoided Stephen king's IT cause the clown trope is played out but I enjoyed the film. 7/10 I can't put my finger on what it is about Stephen King films. Different directors doesn't matter.
  14. sometimes I need a music break. Like months. Its hard these days cause Im so plugged into media
  15. People don't just up and move. Unless they already have a great job that makes them upwardly mobile. You are already invested in the system, get good health insurance, etc. Unless you are transferred. Some dude in an American trailer park isn't going to become a French citizen. Id wager that has never happened unless through a fluke romance
  16. Bernie could have won. The DNC really screwed up
  17. and Why isn't Chris Cunningham down there in New Zealand? What a wasted talent.
  18. Im kind of amazed they pulled together miniature artists. I thought it was a dead art form in film. Bring back stop motion. also, Loved the sound of the cars in the film. Never would have thought it would be a subwoofer in a ford suv rattling jewelry and tin cans but why not.
  19. Ian Curtis just failed to die at 27
  20. They gotta get rid of that red minus shit. Swipe up to close was way better
  21. The big chain companies have really ruined pizza. They seem to go for the sponge salty/ sysco white cheese ratio and throw in some tasteless sysco tomato sauce like substance. Sprayed beyond belief with pesticide to keep up with demand. Its sad really that people don't demand better
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