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Everything posted by marf

  1. we just need nuclear fusion than we can maybe reverse this climate shit
  2. My earliest memories are those haunted 70's films. Im old so i got the tail end of the 70's . Salem's lot scared the shit out of me. And some other haunted film with a scarecrow but someone was in the outfit and he got shot up or something. Early memory.
  3. I'm being nickel dimed on shipping a couple Kyma systems to a Professor currently on a job in Europe for the month and he has done a fucking Ted Talk! He's trying to weasel out of 250 measly dollars in shipping charges by nitpicking defects that were already stated before the sale. Really?
  4. Aphex could also release fake fakes to test whether he's resting on his laurels. Or his fame might be skewing people's opinions. If he cares.
  5. when are male stars going to start being men instead of dudes?
  6. I hope he doesnt get impeached cause Pence might bring some semblance of normalcy to the middle right and get a second term. Trump is making the right look abhorrent and could sway things way back to the left. As long as we dont start ww3
  7. he's a little older and pissed at sjw's. It's a subconscious push back from people like this. It's a being told how to think even if you don't think it that annoy's. Having to police your own thoughts just to make sure every single possible option won't be offended.
  8. He sounds angry about the Kyma system. He must have used the hell out of it though.
  9. man we are anal. They are making some old sampler plugin's like the emulator II. I bought the sample library from some brit for 50 usd before it was released.. That could provide a good time located aphex fake. There are people out there with some skills. I never understood the desire to put up fake tracks though. It's like Hot or Not for your music maybe. You get your plays that way? What is the final outcome?
  10. Totally sounds like an aphex track. Get your ears checked
  11. Its just opinion really. Aphex has made some shitty tracks. Maybe what I think is shitty others like, who cares, but it's good to know as an artist you can say fuck it and just make music and let shit fall as it may
  12. Its got a nice melody, Im a massive aphex fan, but like all artists. hate to tell you, they make a good share of shit tracks in between the great ones.
  13. Found this on youtube. dunno if its legit, but i love the track regardless
  14. There is a lot of white power groups in Boston. Its the most pugilist white ghetto city Ive ever lived in, but very ni e also, and diverse as you say. And very walkable. I loved walking from one end to the other. Less cars, more walking. And more T's
  15. Hawaiian pizza as they call it makes bad pizza better. I would never order it if i knew the place made an amazing new york style red sauce basic pizza. My old home town had a place that made a margherita pizza that would change you forever it was so good.
  16. i was wrong. Its Afghanistan. Not sure if it makes it into pharmaceutical company's hands
  17. Doesn't Tasmania grow the majority of pharm opium?
  18. nothing was recorded as well as the Beatles albums. Aside from abbey road which was on a transistor console.
  19. marf


    still cant see shit from my corneal abrasion, but Enough to google if my favorite dude Harry Dean Stanton made into the series. Really happy. I like marathoning shows anyway.
  20. marf


    this one in fact http://nootropicsdepot.com/phenibut-hcl-powder/ Hard to read the screens sorry. I read everything and thank you all for the love. It was a bad series of events. I went to the best lasik surgeoun in the country 130,000 surgeries. He did tiger woods. Really. Sent me to an incredible corneal surgeon. IHe said I would impriove in 4 days. Im wearing contact lens bandages and taking antyibiotic drops and a steroid. Im really hoping it clears up quick like he says. Its been a month, but Ive over done the steroids. I had 7 episodes of abrasion pain with no help. Had to take a car ride ffor 2 hours to his otjher office with a bag over my head cause light was so painful.. Bad series of events. Lost track of my clonazapam intake because I was on ambien during the first 2 weeks of healing, And going low on clonazapam is almost as bad. I was scared to death so ordered the nootropic. It was powder form so hard to judge dosage. Ive been on many psychadelics when I was younger. Forget that shit. I was in another living demension. I can evben put into words the awfull experien e. I was trapped in my body walking around my house aND THE STORIES I COULD TELL. BLACK MIRROR STUFFG. AThought I got through it but the light started to hurt and soon realized I fucked my eyes. Doctor seems chill about it and says Ill be back to 20/0. Question is when. Had to get on xanax as well cause I was having panick attacks. Siting in as dark room listening to nopr for a month with make you nuts. I was gievn vicodin and percocet for two days. Numbing drops help for 15 minutes but inhibit healing. 2 days of opiates gets you past that pain for the depths of hell. Yes, Gotta taper the benzos, but the recorded 7 day official taper on MD sites is total bullshit. It takes a year or 7 mnths at least. Thanks again. I recommend lasik. but you are not on cruise control after the first 7 days like they told me. You are still healing and be gentle for at least 6 months in my opinion.
  21. marf


    did you say 17 episodes? Sight? Not sure. I can see with left eye. Sort of. Very light sensitive though. Results were 20/20. 3 weeks out took nootropic drug for anxiety. Took too much. had dreams that were out of body experiences. Poisoned my self. Took activated charcoal. Puked for 4 days. Must have itched my eyes to a pulp in a dream. Worst abrasions theyve seen. luckily 3 weeks out. Flap was ok.Pain beyond anything I can describe and Ive been in a car wreck and bent the steering wheel with my head to a 90 degree angle.That pain was a joke . Eye pain is directly from hell. Mr lucky (me) is also in the opiod crisis so the best way to avoid being in pain these days is to not get hurt. Sight will return ....dont know... dont want to jinx my luck as its been shit
  22. marf


  23. marf


    i like very soft t-shirts. The best Ive found are https://www.marinelayer.com
  24. too digital. too harsh and abrasive. Ideas were there. I dont care what aphex says. Too many 01010101
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